Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Elizabeth Elizabeth
>Noah: DEINQRR H7 QI +22 22
>Elizabeth: ITW I6 WIT +21 21
>Noah: BDELNRR G8 BRR +11 33
>Elizabeth: AGMP 10F G.AMP +20 41
>Noah: DEELLNT H10 .NELED +24 57
#note Also thought about playing TELL at 5I. Seemed like the open board after ANELED was a good thing here.
>Elizabeth: EORV 11J OVER +18 59
>Noah: DFLOOTU 5C FOLDOUT +79 136
>Elizabeth: AEY 4D YEA +27 86
>Noah: AEIINOT 15A TAENIOI. +80 216
>Elizabeth: CIOU M9 CU.IO +20 106
>Noah: ADHIOTU 14B HAUT +30 246
#note A couple other choices here: OATH 14C and UDO 6D. After UDO I have shots to draw into huge plays like FAITH, BAITH, and LOATH on row 14. If she takes that area out my leave gets quite a bit worse. If she takes that area out though, she's also blocking lanes, possibly with a bingo of her own. HAUT blocks lanes right now. I don't know what's strongest.
>Elizabeth: AEIMSSS J2 MISSES +47 153
#note Elizabeth said she kept an A here.
>Noah: DEIJOSW 6B JEW +43 289
>Elizabeth: AANU 4J .AUNA +10 163
>Noah: DIILORS 12B IDOLIS.R +68 357
>Elizabeth: FG 12L F.G +24 187
>Noah: ABEEKLY N2 BE.KY +44 401
>Elizabeth: ARX O1 RAX +43 230
>Noah: ADELNPZ 7C ZEDA +59 460
#note Thought it was best to turn over another tile for the blanks here, rather than play ZEP or ZED.
>Elizabeth: EINO O6 ONE +14 244
>Noah: ACLNPRT M1 CAR. +37 497
>Elizabeth: EHINT 11A THINE +30 274
>Noah: ?GLNOPT 10B PhO +30 527
#note PUTLOG is one better.
>Elizabeth: ?EV N12 .iVE +15 289
#note Elizabeth played Es 14L to go out. I was confused, and we realized there was one more tile in the bag. Mike ruled that she got to draw and replay.
>Elizabeth: (GLNT) +10 299