Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noel_Barrett Noel Barrett
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Noel_Barrett: CGI 8G CIG +12 12
>Peter_Kougi: HOOPRRW 9F WHOOP +35 35
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *9F WHOOP 35 51.90% RR

5.70 9F RHO 23 49.38% OPRW

5.66 9G HOOP 31 49.37% RRW

6.02 9F WHO 26 49.25% OPRR

8.25 9G HOOR 29 48.36% PRW

9.66 9F PHO 25 47.63% ORRW

11.1 9G HO 22 47.04% OPRRW

14.8 9G HOO 28 45.48% PRRW

18.3 9E POH 23 44.00% ORRW

21.1 G5 POR(C)H 17 42.76% ORW

>Noel_Barrett: AGP 7H GAP +16 28
>Peter_Kougi: ??AERRS K5 gREASeR +91 126
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *K5 gREASeR 91 85.07%

3.77 K5 cREASeR 91 84.19%

4.38 K5 gReASER 90 83.88%

8.12 K5 cReASER 90 83.05%

7.97 K5 ARouSER 90 83.04%

12.2 K3 stARERS 81 81.72%

13.1 K3 vARiERS 81 81.66%

11.6 K3 spARERS 81 81.49%

13.2 K3 yARdERS 81 81.35%

13.2 K3 wARREnS 81 81.21%

>Noel_Barrett: DEIZ 8K .ZIDE +75 103
>Peter_Kougi: DDEEITT M7 D.TTIED +24 150
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
0.153*M7 D(I)TTIED 24 65.20% E

best 9M DIT 16 65.08% DEET

1.00 9M TID 14 64.48% DEET

1.18 7M TID 14 64.28% DEET

2.26 9M TED 14 63.83% DEIT

2.65 10C DITE 14 63.74% DET

2.99 7M DIT 16 63.45% DEET

3.58 L10 TEDDIE 21 63.40% T

3.20 10E DEI 21 63.34% DETT

>Noel_Barrett: AAQU 6E AQUA +38 141
>Peter_Kougi: AEEEESU -AEEEU +0 150
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *xch AEEEU 0 55.86% ES

2.95 10F EE 19 54.72% AEESU

3.91 L12 EAU 13 54.27% EEES

6.75 L12 EE 11 52.57% AEESU

7.43 10D AUE 12 52.14% EEES

7.26 xch EEEU 0 52.13% AES

7.67 xch EEEEU 0 52.08% AS

7.90 xch AEEU 0 51.92% EES

8.51 5C AUE 10 51.54% EEES

9.54 N12 EAU 11 51.07% EEES

>Noel_Barrett: IOV N5 VOI. +13 154
>Peter_Kougi: AEERSWY 5C WEY +28 178
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best O8 (E)YEWEARS 95 86.93%

39.1*5C WEY 28 69.16% AERS

>Noel_Barrett: ABHL 4L BLAH +35 189
>Peter_Kougi: AENRSTU C3 UN.ATERS +76 254
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *C3 UN(W)ATERS 76 79.76%

5.58 B5 SAUNTER 71 77.18%

10.9 12E NATURES 64 73.98%

14.7 12E AUNTERS 64 71.92%

15.2 13G TRANSU(D)E 61 71.64%

15.3 13G UNTREA(D)S 61 70.70%

29.2 6J U(R) 10 62.28% AENRST

>Noel_Barrett: CEM O1 MEC. +33 222
>Peter_Kougi: ALNOORX D7 OX +36 290
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *D7 OX 36 82.77% ALNOR

2.86 8A OX(E)N 36 81.85% ALOR

6.60 8A OX(E)R 36 79.87% ALNO

8.25 8A AX(E)L 36 79.62% NOOR

8.05 L12 NOX 27 78.40% ALOR

9.43 B2 OX 27 78.09% ALNOR

10.7 4A NO(N)ORAL 26 77.85% X

9.28 B1 NOX 29 77.63% ALOR

11.5 B1 LOX 29 76.73% ANOR

14.0 N11 OXO 24 76.60% ALNR

>Noel_Barrett: GR 8A GR.. +36 258
>Peter_Kougi: AILMNOR 4C .ORMAL +28 318
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
0.191 L11 AMINO 30 81.79% LR

2.84 4A MI(N)OR 30 81.51% ALN

0.546 D1 MORA(E) 26 81.15% ILN

3.02*4C (N)ORMAL 28 81.09% IN

3.04 2J MOLIN(E) 28 80.99% AR

0.964 L12 MILO 25 80.93% ANR

best L12 MOLA 25 80.55% INR

4.20 4A MA(N)OR 30 80.49% ILN

2.09 N1 OM 20 79.74% AILNR

3.09 L12 MOIL 25 79.45% ANR

>Noel_Barrett: AIK H1 KAI. +24 282
>Peter_Kougi: EEEIINU 10A NI.EI +7 325
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best xch EEIU 0 67.92% EIN

1.29 F9 (W)IENIE 13 67.71% EU

1.70 F9 (W)EENIE 13 67.05% IU

2.76 L12 EINE 17 66.50% EIU

4.22 5I EU(g)E 7 64.77% EIIN

4.61 10F EE 19 64.61% EIINU

8.07 A6 EU(G)E 5 62.82% EIIN

6.57 13K EI(D)E 5 62.51% EINU

8.50 N12 EINE 13 62.50% EIU

7.23 xch EEIINU 0 62.35% E

13.8*10A NI(S)EI 7 57.82% EEU

>Noel_Barrett: DERV L12 DERV +33 315
>Peter_Kougi: ABEEEFU 11E FEEB +28 353
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
10.2 J2 BEAU 13 62.88% EEF

best 11E FEE 22 60.61% ABEU

6.56 11E FEU 22 60.30% ABEE

7.60 11E FAE 22 59.09% BEEU

10.2*11E FEEB 28 59.09% AEU

15.5 M1 FEE(L) 14 57.27% ABEU

4.37 13I FEU(ED) 13 55.68% ABEE

25.1 N1 EF 24 54.55% ABEEU

13.5 M1 FUE(L) 14 53.79% ABEE

14.8 11E FUB 26 53.03% AEEE

>Noel_Barrett: NNUY H11 .UNNY +33 348
>Peter_Kougi: AEILNTU 1B AUNTLI.E +63 416
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *1B AUNTLI(K)E 63 93.18%

41.3 15J UN(V)EIL 27 66.67% AT

49.9 15J UN(V)AIL 27 63.64% ET

39.6 15J AL(V)INE 27 59.85% TU

57.3 15L (V)AUT 21 59.47% EILN

37.6 2J AUNTI(E) 16 58.33% EL

55.3 15L (V)ATU 21 53.03% EILN

53.9 15K U(V)EAL 24 51.14% INT

54.9 J9 (P)AULIN 17 49.24% ET

>Noel_Barrett: EFILSST O7 F.LSITES +69 417
>Noel_Barrett: (JNOOOT) +26 443
Player 2
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