Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Winter Winter
>JD: ?INTVYZ 8G VIZY +38 38
>Winter: JO J6 JO. +29 29
>JD: ?AIMNOT K1 MANITOu +76 114
#note Q prefers STAMNOI by a point, since putting the M in the triple lane gives back a lot of good scoring plays, even though putting the S out there ups Winter's bingo percentage by 4%. this is the kind of thing that Quackle tends to get right, but I'm still happier not putting that S in space.
>Winter: AIQU 1K .AQUI +51 80
>JD: ADDILLY L4 DAY +35 149
#note can clean up this rack altogether with DANDILY at 3I (no J or Z lurking)
>Winter: EHM J2 HEM +37 117
>JD: DEIILLO M3 LID +19 168
#note picked this instead of LIE to make column N harder to access, but actually the sim suggests that LID is reasonable more because EILO bingos about as much as DILO next turn. Perhaps EILO plays through the V better. I also overscored this as 20.
>Winter: AGV I1 VAG +21 138
>JD: AEILNOU 1G LU. +18 186
#note not top 15 on static, easily sims best
>Winter: ADEGNR H4 READ.NG +10 148
>Winter: BEIINRS D8 BIN.RIES +78 226
#note OUTSAT and DOUBT are both slightly stronger equity plays. OUTDO minimizes Winter's bingo % the most since it takes out the easiest lane to hit on the board, but OUTSAT blocks some cheap scoring plays in addition to blocking some lanes.
>Winter: ?CEFIOR 13B OR.FICEs +80 306
>JD: ABNPRTW D1 WARB +34 310
#note BRAWN looks clearly better in spite of all the Es in the pool. oops.
>Winter: AEERTW 15D .WEATER +30 336
#note chickened out of PONTIE, which is very much worth the 4 extra points. Drawing the S for column N would be a great outcome, and the E is expendable with 4 more in sight.
>Winter: CGHO C6 CHOG +26 362
#note he laid down CHOW, then picked it up to play CHOG.
>JD: EELNPRX 14A EX +36 372
#note CHOG blocked EXPLORE, which would've put me in a nice spot. instead, I get to play EX and then play the waiting game. It seems like I would lose if he has the K for KEG, but maybe PLEW and then an out-play would be enough to help me steal the win.
>Winter: EKU C2 KUE +30 392
#note he played this really fast - I think he could've used the extra vowel.
>JD: AEELNPR 10F PE. +24 396
#note I saw PAGLE, which gives me a little more spread, but I didn't want to chance it not being good. when I hit my clock, I didn't even see my out yet - I just figured that the AKA spot at B2 would be painful for him to block, and I should be able to outrun from there.
>Winter: EFLSTT 3B F.. +6 398
#note his best plays give me an out here because he has no reasonable block for LEARN.
>JD: AELNR 14H LEARN +16 412
>JD: (ELSTT) +10 422