Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Simon_Walton Simon Walton
#player2 Adam_Kauschke Adam Kauschke
>Simon_Walton: AAEFNRT 8G FA +10 10
#note I played FA hoping to draw a bingo, but after what ensued i wished i'd started with a longer word.
>Adam_Kauschke: FNU G6 NU.F +15 15
#note I wonder if Adam is holding an S back.
>Simon_Walton: AAENORT 6F A. +4 14
#note Missed AERONA(U)T :(
>Adam_Kauschke: GIT 9E GI.T +10 25
>Simon_Walton: AEENORT 10D EON +12 26
#note Adam isn't helping me of course.
>Adam_Kauschke: EE 11D EE +14 39
>Simon_Walton: AEGLRTT 7E GL.T +10 36
#note Rewind time and play TARGET from the top triple word square.
>Adam_Kauschke: ?DEIKNT I2 KNItTED +77 116
#note This wasn't supposed to happen.
>Simon_Walton: AEORRST 4D ROTAR.ES +68 104
#note Oops, missed the A-hook for EON to make ROASTER. At least I could refresh my rack now.
>Adam_Kauschke: ANORX C11 NOX +23 139
#note Adam initially put down RAX in the same spot, but changed to NOX.
>Simon_Walton: DHIJOWY B12 JOW +44 148
#note JOW is best.
>Adam_Kauschke: APR A13 PAR +32 171
>Simon_Walton: DGHIITY D13 YID +25 173
#note I took the highest scoring option. Wondering if DIGHT is valid onto the triple next turn?
>Adam_Kauschke: ELPS 3C LEPS +20 191
#note I challenged and cursed the validity of the word as i had HU(N)TING 45 lined up to play on top of ROTARIES.
>Simon_Walton: AGHINTU 5C UGH +34 207
#note Spent around 2 minutes looking for a bingo here but concluded there wasn't one i knew. UGH looked like the best balance of score and rack leave. Noting E(UGH) hook for later.
>Adam_Kauschke: OSZ 10H SOZ +36 227
#note Adam keeps scoring solidly. Although he would have scored 40 playing SOZ/(FAD)S.
>Simon_Walton: AILNTUY J2 YA. +33 240
#note I had a feeling there was a bingo here with the S, but couldn't come up with one. (D)UALITY would have been nice onto the bottom triple. Ended up going for score with the KY spot.
>Adam_Kauschke: ADLR 11I DARL +24 251
#note DARL* looked unfamiliar to me but i wasn't in the challenging mood so i let it go.
>Simon_Walton: BILNOTU L8 BUL.ION +24 264
#note For some reason i dismissed (D)OUBT on the bottom triple, but it rates highly with Quackle. I opted for BUL(L)ION after concluding BOTULIN had no home.
>Adam_Kauschke: IQ 14J QI. +32 283
>Simon_Walton: CEIMNTW 15H TWIN +34 298
#note TWIN looked like an easy choice.
>Adam_Kauschke: RV 13K V.R +18 301
>Simon_Walton: AACEIMS M7 CAM +24 322
#note I didn't like Adam's VOR play because i didn't know what hooks it took and I didn't know whether it was a set-up or a rack balancer. I wondered idly if AMICASE* was valid, but concluded it wasn't. CAM blocked most of his potential vertical bingos. A(B)ACI gave him two nice floaters.
>Adam_Kauschke: BR 8L ..RB +24 325
#note Adam must have had too many consonants, although the bag looked vowel heavy to me.
>Simon_Walton: AAEEHIS 5K HAE +22 344
#note Struggling to find a better score than HAE. Blocking bingos through the B would likely put me too far behind in score.
>Adam_Kauschke: CDEO N2 COED +22 347
>Simon_Walton: AEEIOSU J6 OSE +24 368
#note Low on time here, but my few options didn't seem to score enough to win. OSE scored well, but didn't let me out in two. Quackle says SEI(ZA) would win 75%!
>Adam_Kauschke: ?EIIMTV N10 VIMs +22 369
#note Gives Adam an unblockable outplay with TIE.
>Simon_Walton: AEEIU B5 EAU +13 381
>Adam_Kauschke: EIT 2A TIE +8 377
#note It appears to be a draw, but we overscored one word by 2 points.
>Adam_Kauschke: (EI) +4 381
Player 2
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