Player 1 |
#player1 Will_Anderson Will Anderson
#player2 JD JD
>Will_Anderson: DEILLPT 8D PILLED +24 24
#note J: I think I played here so that I could take out the SPILLED hook in future, rather than having to worry about it for the rest of the game. but not sure that's good thinking - this placement is liable to produce a more volatile game by opening the top-left corner.
>Will_Anderson: BDEMRTY 2B MER.Y +40 64
#note W: Close with F6 MELTY and 4B BEDIRTY. MERCY scores best and sets up decent scoring plays with my B.
>Will_Anderson: BDEHNNT 4A HENB.T +30 94
>Will_Anderson: ?ADGNOT M1 TANGOeD +89 183
>JD: EFHRSUV 4K VU.H +22 287
>Will_Anderson: ADIIOOT A4 .OODIA +30 213
>JD: AEEFNRS N6 FE +28 315
#note J: not the best judgment ever. instead of blocking one of the two best scoring spots on the board with FANE, I give him 8 points per turn extra with FE for a scoring gain of only 6 points per turn. bingo % with AENRS is 69% versus 44% with ERS, which is substantial, but there are some nice key tiles to draw in the pool like the Y for VUGHY, the case S, the blank or the Z.
>Will_Anderson: IJRTTUZ 1A JUT +36 249
#note W: Hard not to do TIZ after FE but JRTU never bingos and IRTZ at least lucks into something now and then.
#note J: I considered playing NARASES at B8 for 6 points less because it avoids setting up a colossal Z spot. Quackle agrees with this thinking on win %, by a bit! Bingoing for the fourth time seems like it puts me in good shape, but in reality there are now two very volatile spots at N10 and O4. at the time, I was scared of what would happen if Will hit both.
>Will_Anderson: CIIRTYZ N10 ZIT +67 316
#note W: Quackle wants me to play the other I, but I don't mind holding it back so that I can hit miracle -ES bingos hooking ZITE. Also nice to know for sure that I can play with VUGHY next turn with RICY though it's hard to imagine not drawing something else.
>JD: EIINOWW 13J WINOE. +31 424
#note J: trying to get into the bag and draw the blank.
>Will_Anderson: BCIKRUY O1 ICKY +70 386
>JD: AEGIORW L8 WIGEO. +28 452
#note J: WIGEON seems more thematic than DOWAR at 7A (which I failed to spot) by blocking the occasional bingo and flipping tiles in search of the blank, but DOWAR's win percentage is distinctly higher - not sure that I have any idea why! W: That is a bit of a stumper. The numbers under the hood look pretty nice for WIGEON by comparison to DOWAR.
>Will_Anderson: BEGORUV K7 VOGUE +33 419
#note J: fantastic play by Will that puts me in a really tough spot. this is his actual leave. by only leaving one tile, he's ensuring that he wins if he draws a bingo that goes at two spots. Q gives him about a 20% chance of winning, which is pretty amazing given that I started with 265 points in my first 3 moves. W: It helped that VOGUE was already my best equity play.
#note J: I had been working to play with reasonable pace, and so had about 6 minutes for this pre-endgame. even after getting some great draws throughout the game, I was still going to need to get lucky to win, because I spotted that TRILOBE and FIRLOTS played both on column B and row 14. I also spotted LIFTBOY on column B and therefore felt that I had to block there. As it turns out, the BFILOT? rack also gives Will FI(E)L(D)BOOT, in which case I would vigorously have to tip my cap : )
>Will_Anderson: ?BFIORT 5G BIT +13 432
#note J: he had FROGBIT here before I blocked, which neither of us saw. he's supposed to play at J10 first, but I had gotten very low on time. W: I spent most of my own time looking for 9s. With less than a minute left the best guess I had come up with was FRI(E)N(D)BOT* (like SmarterChild from my youth) and decided it was time to give up.
>JD: ELR N2 RE. +29 501
#note J: didn't have time to spot BILLER.
>Will_Anderson: ?FOR J10 FRO.s +36 468
#note W: I took -10 for time.
>Will_Anderson: (L) +2 470