Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Winter Winter
#player2 jvc jvc
>Winter: ILTU 8G LITU +8 8
>jvc: AEEIMQU 7D UMIAQ +31 31
>Winter: AEILNOS E5 LA.INOSE +90 98
>jvc: ?BDEETZ D12 BEZ +36 67
>Winter: DEEEF 14A FEE.ED +46 144
>Winter: EINOP (challenge) +5 149
>jvc: ?ADEHTT A12 HA.T +42 109
#note Saw UNHATTED and THROATED but thought this was better.
>Winter: EINOP F9 OPINE. +34 183
>jvc: ?DEFRRT J5 RET.RFeD +71 180
>jvc: AAANRSV (challenge) +5 185
>Winter: AGM 6D G.MA +29 212
>jvc: AAANRSV C2 VARNA +24 209
>Winter: BEN G11 BEN +20 232
>jvc: ANSTTWX C13 W.X +36 245
>Winter: DEV 8B DEV. +23 255
>jvc: ANSSTTU 9H SA. +19 264
#note Pretty clueless here.
>Winter: EJK 4A JE.K +46 301
>jvc: INSSTTU 12J .UST +10 274
#note Also clueless here.
>Winter: HIW M10 WI.H +20 321
>jvc: CGINOST L9 COG. +15 289
>Winter: OY 14M YO +24 345
>jvc: AIINSTY O11 AYINS +42 331
#note O10 TIYINS
>Winter: OR A4 .OR +10 355
>jvc: DIIILTU -DIIILU +0 331
#note Trying to draw the blank.
>Winter: ?AELNRT N4 cENTRAL +68 423
>jvc: CEOOORT 7J .O +2 333
#note Made a fish that never works.
>Winter: IPU M5 PIU +15 438
>jvc: CDEOORT 2A DO.ECOT +30 363
>jvc: R (challenge) +5 368
>Winter: GIIL 1F LIG +16 454
>jvc: R 3C .R +9 377
>jvc: (I) +2 379
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-30 05:16:29 Server IP: