Player 1 |
#player1 Avery Avery
#player2 David David
>Avery: ?IINORX H7 XI +18 18
>David: AEFILNR I6 FIN +19 19
#note Actual rack.
>Avery: ?IKNOOR 9I OmIKRON +70 88
#note Chickened out of ROOKING.
>David: ELLN L9 .NELL +18 37
>Avery: ADEEENP O7 PE.NED +33 121
#note Allows the board to be much more controlled compared to DEEPEN.
>David: AEPRV J2 PARVE +25 62
>Avery: AAEMRRU 4H MU.RA +20 141
>David: IMO M11 MOI +20 82
>Avery: ACEEORS 10D ACEROSE +74 215
>David: AEGILTU H10 .UTAGE +24 106
#note Actual rack.
>Avery: BDDHINO I13 HID +26 241
#note Also considered 5D DHOBI, which seems better in hindsight.
>David: AQT J12 QAT +26 132
>Avery: BDNOSTT D10 .DBOT +16 257
>David: GINYZ 5D ZINGY +43 175
>Avery: EFNRSTY D1 FREN.Y +50 307
>David: LOW 1A WOL. +30 205
#note He played this very fast, so I assumed he had the blank.
>Avery: BEHOSTT 3B TH.BE +20 327
#note Another example of me making a suboptimal play that I think has more merit than usual given my opponent. He's going to want to gun for a big bingo from the W, so this just reduces his bingo options by a ton, and the ones he does have won't score much usually.
>David: AW C12 AW +24 229
>Avery: AORSTTU 15A OUTSTAR.. +93 420
#note I was amazed to see this fit, and for 93 at that.
>David: ADIOSUV F2 V.I. +15 244
#note He laid down B1 OUTAVOIDS for laughs. N6 VODOU is cool but he's limited on options.
>Avery: ?AEEIJS 12B J.. +12 432
#note I'm fixated on him staying below 300 and I didn't even think to look through the P for bingos. JAPERIES is obvious and a bad miss.
>David: ACDIOSU M7 CU. +8 252
#note I believe this was his rack.
>Avery: ?AEEILS 2H ES.EcIAL +68 500
#note I didn't realize he had given me a new line, so I auto-played this. Sloppy ending to this game.
>Avery: (ADEGIOS) +18 518