Player 1 |
#player1 Randy Randy
#player2 Evans Evans
>Randy: ABOUY 8D BAYOU +26 26
>Evans: DFILNRT E5 FIL.R +16 16
#note Missing a ton of stuff, most notably DRIFTY. Not a good start. -6
>Randy: ?ENPSTU I3 PUNkEST +74 100
>Evans: BDNORRT 4H B.RNT +20 36
#note BURTON is better. -3
>Randy: AADIV K4 .AVAID +20 120
>Evans: ADJOORX 8K .XORA +60 96
>Randy: AORSTTT D3 TROT +15 135
#note Randy talked a lot about this play after the game -- he referred to it as the turning point of the game. TOT in the same spot, he later realized, is a lot better.
>Evans: ?DJLOYZ 7M JO +36 132
#note JO instead of JOY is wrong here. I was holding onto the Y for two reasons -- one, it plays beneath JO for a JOY play later, and two, I might want to play DOZY G7 nex turn -- but those reasons aren't enough. JOY is a lot more points; it sims best.-5
>Randy: EW 9M WE +29 164
>Evans: ?DILUYZ 3B YU.Z +32 164
>Randy: AH 9E .AH +24 188
>Evans: ?ADEILV J9 AVaILED +74 238
>Randy: DFOO 13I F.OOD +26 214
>Evans: AEEGKMN 15J .EGAME +36 274
#note Sims best. I'm scoring decently (only 5 less tham MEEK 12L), taking out the triple, and closing the board off a little bit with a nice lead. Also, keeping the K is awesome on this board (N6, hint hint).
>Randy: IO H3 O.I +11 225
>Evans: CEEKNNQ 12L NECK +37 311
>Randy: GO 10F GO +24 249
>Evans: DEMNQTW 11I Q.T +22 333
>Randy: I O12 .I +6 255
>Evans: DEHMNRW 2A HM +28 361
#note Missing HWAN O6. -1
>Randy: E A1 E. +15 270
>Evans: DELNRSW 6N WE +28 389
#note Continuing to miss the O column plays. WAND is better. -16
>Randy: I F8 ...I +8 278
>Evans: DEILNRS 14N EN +20 409
#note This sims second-best. Quackle really wants to play the L for JOWL M7 and fish with DEINRS.
>Randy: EGP E11 PEG +20 298
>Evans: DILLRSU 14E SURD +14 423
#note I spent FOREVER looking for a five-tile play at O1. Turns out I missed ILLUDE. Nice anagram pair there -- ILLUDES SULLIED. This play sims second-best.
>Randy: N 12D N. +4 302
>Evans: ACEIILL C9 LILAC +19 442
>Randy: AENRSST 2I SARSNET +77 379
>Randy: AENRSST -- -77 302
#note Umm, challenge.
>Evans: EII G13 I.E +4 446
>Randy: AENRSST B5 STANES +16 318
#note Randy was probably a little bit demoralized after this frustrating game and didn't feel like thinking much, but there's something crazy he could have realized about this board: he can I-stick me. RENT L1 is definitely the play, blocking my IT outplay and giving nothing back. He retains both S's and can now score boatloads of points to cut spread.
>Evans: I 8A I. +6 452
>Evans: (R) +2 454 |