Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Gwen_Lampre Gwen Lampre
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Gwen_Lampre: ATTU H5 TAUT +8 8
>Peter_Kougi: LNNOOOT I3 LOON +9 9
>Gwen_Lampre: ADW J2 WAD +20 28
>Peter_Kougi: EINOSTV 6G V.. +6 15
>Gwen_Lampre: CELL K3 CELL +21 49
>Peter_Kougi: EINORST 1D ORIENTS +82 97
>Gwen_Lampre: BIT D1 .BIT +12 61
>Peter_Kougi: ?CEEGLN 8D ELEC.iNG +61 158
>Gwen_Lampre: IK C3 KI +26 87
>Peter_Kougi: ?DNOOQR -OQ +0 158
>Gwen_Lampre: IRZ B4 RIZ +35 122
>Peter_Kougi: ?DIJNOR D7 R.JOINeD +80 238
>Gwen_Lampre: BOO E8 .OBO +29 151
>Peter_Kougi: ADEEGNQ A1 DANG +31 269
>Gwen_Lampre: ERSY L1 RYES +32 183
>Peter_Kougi: AEEFPQU 2F FEE +31 300
>Gwen_Lampre: AGH C13 HAG +25 208
>Peter_Kougi: AEPQUUU K8 .AUP +14 314
>Gwen_Lampre: AEFIOOT L8 SENORAS +86 294
>Gwen_Lampre: AEFIOOT -- -86 208
>Peter_Kougi: EIIQUUW 11H QUI. +15 329
#note I like this play
>Gwen_Lampre: NOS L10 SON +24 232
>Peter_Kougi: AEEITUW H11 .UIET +45 374
>Gwen_Lampre: AER M1 EAR +27 259
>Peter_Kougi: ADEEHTW J10 W.TE +29 403
>Gwen_Lampre: AM B14 MA +23 282
>Peter_Kougi: ADEHPVX B1 AX +39 442
>Gwen_Lampre: AMY 2L ..M +16 298
>Peter_Kougi: DEEFHPV 14J DEV +24 466
>Gwen_Lampre: AIIORSY M11 SOY +31 329
>Peter_Kougi: EFHP 15A F.. +21 487
>Gwen_Lampre: AIIR N13 AIR +11 340
>Peter_Kougi: EHP E4 HEP +25 512
>Peter_Kougi: (I) +2 514
Player 2
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