Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Scott_Appel Scott Appel
#player2 JD JD
>Scott_Appel: AELPP 8D PEPLA +24 24
>JD: EHOSTUZ F8 .OZ +34 34
#note very cool sim - HOSTU has unusual synergy and is almost as good to keep here as EHSTU!
>Scott_Appel: DFTTU E4 TUFT.D +23 47
>Scott_Appel: EIRR 1D .IRER +24 71
>Scott_Appel: EIQT 5G Q.IET +28 99
>JD: ?AADILT L5 sTADIAL +73 199
#note seemed like he might not know STADIALS (in fact, he did not)
>Scott_Appel: ENOX M6 EXON +45 144
>JD: ABJLRSY K10 JAY +39 238
#note a counterintuitive result to me - JAB keeping LRSY sims better even though the bingo % is lower. I'm a bit skeptical just because I don't see where the Y helps that much. EDIT: Will Anderson points out that the point of JAB is that drawing one of the 4 remaining Ns yields (U)N(QUIETS)/NY/FY. Frickin' awesome, thanks Will!
>Scott_Appel: EEHIIN N1 HEINIE +27 171
>JD: ABLMRSY O1 ARSY +61 299
#note very close between MARBLY and ARSY!
>Scott_Appel: ACGI 2J CAGI.. +15 186
>JD: ABELMNW O6 MAWN +33 332
>Scott_Appel: AACS D8 .ACAS +22 208
>JD: BEELNOO 2A BOL.NE +26 358
>JD: ?EEFMOR (challenge) +5 363
#note I probably shouldn't give back the shot at the massive triple-triple, but BOOL just seemed like an easier path for scott to come back and win.
>Scott_Appel: EKW C11 KEW +28 236
>Scott_Appel: EKW -- -28 208
#note good ol kew gardens
>JD: ?EEFMOR 1A OM +28 391
#note saw FORMEES but didn't seem worth trying for very little gain
>Scott_Appel: EGKW M1 W.G +31 239
>JD: ?DEEFIR 13E DEFIERs +78 469
>Scott_Appel: KRUU C11 KURU +24 263
>JD: BDELORV 14B L.BED +34 503
#note LOUVER is a point better because it doesn't give back ONSET or NOSE, and after TOYS/NOYS we get DORB to go out.
>Scott_Appel: ENOOST 15A NOSE +31 294
>JD: ORV J2 .OV.R +12 515
>JD: (OT) +4 519
Player 2
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