Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Andrew_Fisher: HLLOU 8D HULLO +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: ACEIPTV I7 CAPTIVE +80 80
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *I7 CAPTIVE 80 67.43%

>Andrew_Fisher: EFZ H13 FEZ +50 74
>Peter_Kougi: BDDNOOY E7 B.DDY +24 104
#note Unsure of YBOUND

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best 14E BOY(E)D 29 57.55% DNO

1.59 14E BYD(E)D 36 56.87% NOO

3.37 14E NOY(E)D 27 56.12% BDO

4.46 14E BOO(E)D 26 55.50% DNY

4.97 14D BOND(E)D 28 55.20% OY

5.72 E5 YBO(U)ND 24 54.93% DO

5.89 14E BOD(E)D 27 54.71% NOY

5.90 D8 (H)OODY 24 54.70% BDN

6.58 14E BON(E)D 26 54.45% DOY

8.89 14H (E)DDO 26 53.32% BNOY

13.8*E7 B(U)DDY 24 50.96% NOO

>Andrew_Fisher: AEMTT D11 MATTE +23 97
>Peter_Kougi: ENOORUU 14B OU.RO +14 118
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 15D (E)URO(Z)ONE 17 50.82% U

1.31 15F OU(Z)O 13 50.19% ENRU

5.34*14B OU(T)RO 14 48.03% ENU

6.63 12I (V)ROU 14 47.38% ENOU

6.68 9G OU(P) 11 47.28% ENOR
7.86 14B OU(T)RE 14 46.72% NOU

9.70 xch OUU 0 45.93% ENOR

10.5 15A ROU(E) 12 45.30% ENOU

10.6 9B URE(D)O 14 45.07% NOU

11.1 13B OU(T)RO 10 44.96% ENU

>Andrew_Fisher: EVW 11H W.VE +20 117
>Peter_Kougi: EEIIINU -EIIIU +0 118
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
best xch EIIINU 0 41.66% E

2.14 xch EEIIIU 0 40.55% N

2.03 xch EEIIINU 0 40.51%

2.30 xch EIIU 0 40.33% NIE

2.73 xch EEIINU 0 40.20% I

2.71 xch EEIIU 0 39.98% NI

4.46*xch EIIIU 0 39.00% NE

6.61 xch EIII 0 38.22% NEU

6.96 xch IIU 0 38.22% ENIE

7.96 F12 EU(O)I 4 36.87% NIIE

>Andrew_Fisher: AFG 12K FAG +19 136
>Peter_Kougi: ?EHLNNN J13 HEN +17 135
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 15A NEN(E) 16 56.32% HNL?

7.59*J13 HEN 17 51.94% NNL?

7.80 B13 N(O)N 3 51.47% HENL?

8.02 xch NNN 0 51.16% HEL?

11.0 xch LNN 0 49.44% HEN?

12.2 xch NN 0 48.93% HENL?

14.8 L12 (A)NN 3 47.60% HENL?

15.3 F13 N(O)N 3 47.21% HENL?

17.5 xch HNN 0 45.93% ENL?

>Andrew_Fisher: ?CNOPTU N6 PUNCTOs +75 211
>Peter_Kougi: ?AELNNQ O4 QuENA +81 216
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *O4 QuENA 81 40.10% NL

46.6 7M Q(U)A 22 15.17% NNEL?

>Andrew_Fisher: ITY 15A YIT. +25 236
>Peter_Kougi: DGLNSSX L11 D.NG +18 234
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best L11 D(A)NGS 20 40.07% LSX

0.309*L11 D(A)NG 18 39.99% LSSX

2.59 L11 D(A)LS 17 38.52% GNSX

3.02 L11 D(A)GS 18 38.02% LNSX

5.57 L11 D(A)L 16 36.71% GNSSX

6.74 L11 S(A)X 21 35.95% DGLNS

6.80 L11 D(A)G 17 35.88% LNSSX

7.05 L11 D(A)S 16 35.71% GLNSX

6.56 L11 D(A)NS 17 35.62% GLSX

7.15 L11 S(A)D 15 35.45% GLNSX

>Andrew_Fisher: AEORSSU M12 .OE +15 251
>Andrew_Fisher: AEORSSU -- -15 236
>Peter_Kougi: BELSSSX 15L SLEB +29 263
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *15L SLEB 29 65.42% SSX

8.23 9C XE(D) 24 58.90% SSSLB

8.53 G7 B(L)ESS 24 58.89% SLX

9.09 15L SELS 23 58.47% SBX

9.48 F13 B(O)X 12 57.61% SSSLE

10.5 F13 L(O)X 10 56.99% SSSBE

11.6 G7 S(L)EBS 22 56.40% SLX

11.6 F13 S(O)X 10 56.04% SSLBE

12.2 O10 EX 20 55.78% SSSLB

12.7 F14 (O)X 9 55.37% SSSLBE

>Andrew_Fisher: AEKORSU 14L .EO +14 250
>Peter_Kougi: EORRSSX 9L RO.S +21 284
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *9L RO(C)S 21 75.25% ERSX

2.08 9L OR(C)S 21 73.92% ERSX

4.15 9C XE(D) 24 71.23% ORRSS

6.11 7C RO(B) 11 70.73% ERSSX

6.80 9L RE(C)S 21 70.63% ORSX

7.89 O10 OX 20 69.07% ERRSS

11.8 G6 SO(L)ERS 21 67.23% RX

11.5 M6 OR 12 66.75% ERSSX

11.7 9I (P)REX 13 66.46% ORSS

11.7 F12 OX(O) 10 66.00% ERRSS

>Andrew_Fisher: AIRU F5 URA.I +14 264
>Peter_Kougi: DEEGRSX E3 DEX +40 324
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best E3 REX 38 93.50% DGES

0.249 E2 GREX 42 93.08% DES

12.9 G5 RED(L)EGS 42 91.12% X

3.51 E4 EX 36 90.90% DGERS

7.55*E3 DEX 40 90.80% GERS

11.4 G7 G(L)EDS 36 89.65% ERX

16.0 G7 G(L)EES 35 88.69% DRX

15.6 E3 SEX 38 87.80% DGER

18.9 G8 (L)EGS 24 87.04% DERX

21.1 G5 GER(L)E 24 86.95% DSX

>Andrew_Fisher: AJW D2 JAW +39 303
>Peter_Kougi: EGMORRS C3 GORMS +34 358
#note I reckon block column L

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
3.97 C3 MORE 30 90.15% GRS

26.4*C3 GORMS 34 87.88% ER

1.02 C3 GORM 30 86.67% ERS

15.4 C3 REGO 24 86.36% MRS

13.3 C3 GOMER 34 85.61% RS

best C3 GORE 26 84.85% MRS

16.0 C3 GOR 24 84.85% EMRS

12.9 C3 ROM 24 84.09% EGRS

0.810 M5 ROM 21 83.33% EGRS

23.6 C3 REG 22 81.06% MORS

>Andrew_Fisher: AEINNRS L2 INSNARE. +68 371
>Peter_Kougi: AEEIORT K2 TOEA +18 376
#note Looks like this endgame is winnable. Damn. Seriously need to leave more time for endgames

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: urp)
best B5 EE 12 100.0% AIORT

1.00 B5 OE 12 100.0% AEIRT

4.00 B1 TOE 12 100.0% AEIR

5.00 B1 TAE 12 100.0% EIOR

6.00 B5 AE 12 100.0% EIORT

6.00 B1 TIE 12 100.0% AEOR

7.00 B1 REI 12 50.00% AEOT

7.00 B1 REE 12 50.00% AIOT

7.00 B1 ERE 12 50.00% AIOT

17.8*K2 TOEA 18 0.0000% EIR

>Andrew_Fisher: AIIIIKL B1 KAIL +29 400
>Peter_Kougi: EIR 11B RI.. +9 385
#note No time left. Whatevs

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 9)
best 15H (Z)I(N) 12 ER

best 15F RI(Z) 14 E

best 15F RE(Z) 14 I

best J3 IRE 12

best 3I IR(ON)E 12

1.00 J4 REI 11

4.00 6A RI(M)E 8

7.00 B7 IRE 5

11.0*11B RI(MY) 9 E

11.0 G8 (L)EI 9 R

>Andrew_Fisher: III 15H .I. +12 412
>Peter_Kougi: E 3K ..E +6 391
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 6B E(M) 6

best *3K (ON)E 6

2.00 13D (T)E 4

2.00 B10 E(R) 4

2.00 M9 (O)E 4

2.00 9I (P)E 4

2.00 6C (M)E 4

3.00 5K (AN)E 3

3.00 5J E(AN) 3

3.00 3J E(ON) 3

>Peter_Kougi: (II) +4 395
Player 2
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Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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