Player 1 |
#player1 Evan_Berofsky Evan Berofsky
#player2 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
>Evan_Berofsky: CEFY 8G FYCE +24 24
>Evans_Clinchy: AEEISSX K5 AXES +35 35
#note Oh duh - SAXE going the other direction is better. Approximately 1 billion fewer hooks.
>Evan_Berofsky: AEGJR L1 JAGER +44 68
>Evans_Clinchy: ?EFGIPS 2H PIGF.cES +84 119
#note It was probably too early in the game to resort to name-calling, but what can I say, I've got a competitive streak.
>Evan_Berofsky: BPU 1G PUB +37 105
>Evans_Clinchy: GMOORUV J5 VOM.R +33 152
#note Either this or VOG 3G. Keeping the M makes the leave more potent for scoring next turn, but is that worth giving up 7 points now? Close call.
>Evan_Berofsky: AILORST 3C RIALTOS +79 184
>Evans_Clinchy: ?EGIOUZ N2 .UlOGIZE +71 223
>Evan_Berofsky: ALU O8 ALU +44 228
>Evans_Clinchy: AEINNOO 7F NOO +15 238
#note The best strategy here is just to blow up the rack of 1-pointers and keep scoring. I wish I'd seen EONIAN with all the underlaps to RIALTOS. I'd absolutely have played that.
>Evan_Berofsky: INRSTVW E2 V.W +9 237
>Evans_Clinchy: AADEEIN 2B DEA.E +30 268
>Evan_Berofsky: INNRSTT 6I N.. +10 247
>Evans_Clinchy: AEHINNU 6B HINAU +22 290
>Evan_Berofsky: ILNRSTT 4K T.L. +15 262
>Evans_Clinchy: EEIMNNT M9 EMINENT +74 364
>Evan_Berofsky: ILNORST 7J ..L +5 267
>Evans_Clinchy: BDEHOOR L11 HOBO +33 397
#note Obviously it scores more if you slide it up two squares, but leaving the triple open would be insane here.
>Evan_Berofsky: IINORST 10D ROTINIS +74 341
>Evans_Clinchy: ADEEIRR 11E RADE +21 418
#note Figured I'd score a bit, block bingos a bit and keep the right leave. EIR makes sense here. Didn't want to keep the A or D since there are more of them in the bag, and keeping vowels makes sense with only 4/13 vowels left.
>Evan_Berofsky: DEW 12F DEW +29 370
>Evans_Clinchy: AACEIKR D9 E.ICA +20 438
#note KAONIC is a cool word. Not sure if I knew that one.
>Evan_Berofsky: DIQTTY 1A QI +36 406
>Evans_Clinchy: AKR 14J KR..A +38 476
>Evans_Clinchy: (DTTY) +16 492