Player 1 |
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Barry_Keith Barry Keith
>Ryan_Fischer: CEINTTW 8H TWICE +22 22
#note Saw WINCE; preferred to get rid of TT. 1.3 difference.
>Barry_Keith: GMRY J6 GR.MY +23 23
>Ryan_Fischer: ENRRSTU 7B RETURNS +61 83
#note Apparently, TWICE takes an R.
>Barry_Keith: ?ARRSST D4 ReS.ARTS +66 89
>Ryan_Fischer: AEINOPT F5 AT.OPINE +64 147
>Barry_Keith: AQ 10B QA. +32 121
>Ryan_Fischer: ACFGLOY I10 FOGY +23 170
#note E11 OFLAG 29?
>Barry_Keith: ETZ 8A ZET. +43 164
>Ryan_Fischer: ACELLNT H11 LANCE +35 205
#note Chickened out on LANCEL(E)T.
>Barry_Keith: IMV 11A VIM. +24 188
>Ryan_Fischer: AEILNOT A11 .OILE +27 232
#note I played VOILE because there were already two Es open and if I keep ANT and draw an R, I can get (QI)NTAR. One play I'm quite happy with from this tourney.
>Barry_Keith: BEW 6A WEB. +21 209
>Ryan_Fischer: AAHNORT B10 ..NTAR +40 272
#note Yay, I got it. But, wouldn't you know, I missed ATHANOR, hooking TWICE, for 83!
>Barry_Keith: DEKOV L4 EVOK.D +28 237
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEHIIO E12 HIOI +12 284
#note OHIA is suicidal.
>Barry_Keith: DNUU 4H UNDU. +7 244
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AADEIL M9 ALIDAdE +70 354
#note Again, hook TWICE with rADIALE.
>Barry_Keith: HJU 15L J.HU +66 310
>Ryan_Fischer: AEFINOX 12K IN.EX +42 396
>Barry_Keith: ADEEIOP I3 I. +3 313
>Ryan_Fischer: ABFOOOS C2 FOO +14 410
#note Champ says SOBA, setting up OOF, I guess. Cool.
>Barry_Keith: ADEEGLP 2I PLEDGE +29 342
>Ryan_Fischer: ABOS 1F BOAS +24 434
>Ryan_Fischer: (A) +2 436