Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Andrew_Fisher: ?AEINPT 8D PIcANTE +72 72
>Peter_Kougi: IILOOTY D8 .OLITY +22 22
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
1.37 7G YO 20 19.46% IILOT

best *D8 (P)OLITY 22 19.31% IO

2.37 7J OILY 13 18.95% IOT

1.95 D8 (P)OLIO 14 18.84% ITY

5.13 9H OI 8 18.37% ILOTY

4.81 9H OILY 15 18.31% IOT

5.29 9D IO 8 18.31% ILOTY

4.07 I5 TOI(T)OI 8 18.10% LY

5.04 9G TOIL 16 17.92% IOY

7.41 7I IO 8 17.49% ILOTY

>Andrew_Fisher: AAQT 10B TA.AQ +36 108
>Peter_Kougi: AGIMNOT 7G MOATING +80 102
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 9G MOATING 80 38.29%

1.23*7G MOATING 80 37.69%

>Andrew_Fisher: OVW 6F VOW +28 136
>Peter_Kougi: DIMORTZ C9 Z.TI +48 150
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *C9 Z(A)TI 48 48.30% DMOR

1.11 13C Z(Y)MOID 44 47.84% RT

1.79 11D (I)MID 33 47.07% ORTZ

3.57 11C T(I)MID 37 46.21% ORZ

6.41 11C M(I)DI 35 44.90% ORTZ

7.58 11D (I)MIDO 35 44.11% RTZ

7.90 11C M(I)RID 35 43.92% OTZ

8.73 9C Z(O) 42 43.69% DIMORT

9.06 11D (I)DIOM 33 43.60% RTZ

9.12 11A TIM(I)D 28 42.97% ORZ

>Andrew_Fisher: BBES 13C S.BBE +54 190
>Peter_Kougi: CDFMORR L4 FRO.D +22 172
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *L4 FRO(N)D 22 31.64% CMR

3.40 9J FORM 18 30.37% CDR

5.03 J3 CROF(TE)R 20 28.98% DM

6.99 14G FORM 20 28.66% CDR

7.15 8M ORF 21 28.40% CDMR

7.59 9J CORF 18 28.37% DMR

6.67 12G FORM 15 28.36% CDR

6.75 9J FROM 18 28.16% CDR

8.33 12G FROM 15 27.62% CDR

8.55 9J CORM 16 27.37% DFR

>Andrew_Fisher: ?ADLNOW M7 .OWLANDs +85 275
>Peter_Kougi: CFGHMOR 12K GO.CH +30 202
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 11I FOGR(A)M 24 7.181% CH

4.62*12K GO(N)CH 30 6.009% FMR

6.06 11K FR(A)G 16 5.948% CHMO

2.25 14J FRO(s)H 36 5.762% CGM

9.51 14G FROG 17 5.538% CHM

8.89 10K GO(L)F 16 5.376% CHMR

11.1 11K GO(A)F 16 5.362% CHMR

7.01 12G FOG 13 5.295% CHMR

9.88 11J FOR(A)M 20 5.098% CGH

10.4 14G FROM 20 4.935% CGH

>Andrew_Fisher: DEIOX O10 OX.IDE +51 326
>Peter_Kougi: DFJMNRY 8L ..MY +30 232
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best M2 FRY 26 1.382% JDMN

3.36*8L (DO)MY 30 1.212% JDFNR

5.43 8L (DO)RM 21 1.037% JDFNY

7.79 5J FY(R)D 22 1.009% JMNR

8.97 M3 FY 24 1.004% JDMNR

11.9 11L J(A) 18 0.9350% DFMNRY

14.2 M2 DRY 22 0.8367% JFMN

11.1 8L (DO)RY 24 0.8269% JDFMN

10.6 J7 (TE)RF 15 0.8137% JDMNY

17.2 14G FYRD 20 0.7946% JMN

>Andrew_Fisher: EERV 14J VER.E. +34 360
>Peter_Kougi: DFIJNRS 5J JI.D +24 256
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *5J JI(R)D 24 2.721% FRNS

8.15 4I JIF(F) 17 2.054% DRNS

9.43 5J JI(R)DS 26 1.648% FRN

11.6 4I JIF(F)S 18 1.465% DRN

4.35 H10 RIFS 24 1.177% JDN

3.34 H13 SIF 31 1.125% JDRN

10.5 11L J(A) 18 1.087% DFIRNS

7.03 H10 DIFS 25 0.9064% JRN

7.99 4J JI(F)F 17 0.8487% DRNS

6.25 H10 FIDS 23 0.8061% JRN

>Andrew_Fisher: IKU 11J KUI. +24 384
>Peter_Kougi: AFNRSSU N2 FUNS +27 283
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
8.19 N1 RAUNS 23 2.522% FS

best H10 AUFS 24 1.229% RSN

13.4 H11 RUSAS 31 1.071% FN

5.24 H10 FURS 21 0.9250% SAN

11.1 H11 FAS 20 0.8790% URSN

2.56 H13 SUN 22 0.8680% FRSA

2.10 N2 FURS 27 0.8579% SAN

7.58 H10 FUNS 21 0.7352% RSA

4.97 N1 FRAUS 29 0.5391% SN

12.4 G10 SAF(E) 22 0.5159% URSN

4.01*N2 FUNS 27 0.4342% RSA

>Andrew_Fisher: EINR 11C ..NIER +27 411
>Peter_Kougi: AEGLRST G5 R... +6 289
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best M2 EGA(D) 29 2.121% LRST

11.1 O1 GARE 28 1.818% LST

35.3 O1 GAT 19 1.818% ELRS

38.5 12B G(IT) 4 1.818% AELRST

0.471 O1 LAG 20 1.515% ERST

17.5 M3 GE(D) 22 1.515% ALRST

21.7 O1 LEG 20 1.515% ARST

17.3*G5 R(OMA) 6 1.136% AEGLST

13.3 E5 GAR(I) 20 0.9091% ELST

13.7 E5 RAG(I) 20 0.7576% ELST

>Andrew_Fisher: AAH 4F AAH +17 428
>Peter_Kougi: AEEGLST O1 GATE +28 317
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
13.8 M1 LEG 19 0.6061% AEST

best M3 GE(D) 22 0.3030% AELST

1.03 M2 EGA(D) 29 0.3030% ELST

0.313 N12 (C)E(E) 9 0.0000% AELGST

5.56 O1 GETA 28 0.0000% ELS

8.03 O2 AGE 16 0.0000% ELST

8.26 J5 (J)E(TE) 13 0.0000% AELGST

8.67*O1 GATE 28 0.0000% ELS

10.8 O1 LEG 20 0.0000% AEST

11.3 4L (F)E(N) 9 0.0000% AELGST

>Andrew_Fisher: AC M3 CA. +29 457
>Peter_Kougi: EELPSUU H1 PUS. +27 344
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
21.7 3H ULE 9 6.364% EPSU

3.11 H13 SUP 28 4.545% EELU

35.3*H1 PUS(H) 27 2.273% EELU

best H10 U(R)ES 18 0.7576% ELPU

11.4 H13 SUE 22 0.7576% ELPU

47.3 H11 (R)USE 18 0.7576% ELPU

5.94 H10 U(R)US 18 0.0000% EELP

21.6 O6 UE(Y) 6 0.0000% ELPSU

25.0 J5 (J)E(TE) 13 0.0000% ELPSUU

27.6 H3 U(H) 5 0.0000% EELPSU

>Andrew_Fisher: EELNRRS G10 S.R.NE +21 478
>Peter_Kougi: EEEILOU H14 EE +14 358
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 14E EI(N)E 16 ELOU

4.00 15E LI(E)U 12 EEEO

4.00 H14 OE 14 EEILU

4.00 H14 EL 14 EEIOU

4.00*H14 EE 14 EILOU

5.00 F13 (B)IO 13 EEELU

5.00 F13 (B)EE 13 EILOU

6.00 3B LOUIE 12 EE

8.00 15C LOUI(E) 6 EEE

9.00 9A OU(ZO) 15 EEEIL

>Andrew_Fisher: ELR 2G L.RE +6 484
>Andrew_Fisher: (EILOU) +10 494
Player 2
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