Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 John_Karris John Karris
>Joshua_Sokol: BHJNOVV H7 JOHN +28 28
#note Perfect opening play. We had a laugh about this, but John didn't have KARRIS on his rack to improve upon this.
>John_Karris: GORW I5 GROW +24 24
#note He first put down GROW/JOHNW*, then GROW(N), and then switched to this. He probably has an S ;)
>Joshua_Sokol: AABDLVV 10F VA.DA +19 47
#note Sim likes G8 BA more than this, which seems crazy. It also prefers J8 LAV or LAVA, both of which I considered, but I sort of like G8 BAAL to set up one of my V's. Guess that's a bit unlikely to work out. I wanted to set up my L instead of playing it here, and that's really close.
>John_Karris: AEOR 11I AERO +13 37
>Joshua_Sokol: ?BILRVW L9 VR.W +20 67
>John_Karris: BNNORU 12D UNBORN +22 59
#note weird sequence of moves, but I guess it's John Karris
>Joshua_Sokol: ?BILLSS D6 BLISSf.L +60 127
#note I was a bit surprised when I saw I could play this. Very low prob stuff
>John_Karris: AIO 5H A.IO +10 69
#note no clue here. I don't want to open anything else, although I get M(ETA) if he hooks E(TA), so H4 T(A) isn't horrendously bad, until you realize I am up a bingo and he's just played A(G)IO.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEIMNTT 7H ..T +10 137
#note H1 ANIM(A) would absolutely be the play if John hadn't just played AGIO. Now, it's still probably correct, but my fish might be OK as well. I hit with ADGHILRXY, so AAAADDDGGHIIIIIILLRRXYY? if the board remains in its currect state, which is 24/58. I should probably play (OW)T though, since I will hit AMNI(O)TES with an S draw. Doesn't make a big difference though, as I don't really want to be opening a 3x3 at this stage of the game for 68 points. OWT seems like the right play here. He might try opening the board now, and I am prepared to respond. I might hit something with 60% of the bag in this position. I wasn't too happy fishing with a bingo lead, but I don't want the board to change. The issue arises if I miss and he fishes himself. I can then just play MEAT E5 or something. Would you play ANIM(A) here and push the game?
>John_Karris: Y 8G Y.. +9 78
>Joshua_Sokol: AEIMNTT E5 MEAT +20 157
#note backtracking and playing defense, this way he can't play a bingo that doesn't give me something back. I don't want him playing a bingo on row 4 or even column C
>John_Karris: ?AAEIRS L1 AtRESIA +70 148
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEINRT F1 TEENIER +75 232
#note lol
>John_Karris: ADEG 1D GA.ED +27 175
>Joshua_Sokol: CELLQTU 1J CL.QUE +51 283
>John_Karris: EFT H12 .EFT +21 196
>Joshua_Sokol: IILOPTZ 14H .IZ +35 318
#note I should probably play 2L (t)IP. Failed to consider that. It's better to block the E now and keep the Z for whatever I need to use it for later.
>John_Karris: FH K4 F.H +19 215
>Joshua_Sokol: EIILOPT 13B PI.EI +20 338
#note still missing (t)IP. This time it is far more costly.
>John_Karris: ACDENPS N1 .NSPACED +88 303
#note first puts this down as UNSCAPED*, then switches it to the more plausible UNSPACED*, which I would always challenge if it weren't the only way I could lose. I should have challenged it anyway, my tournament wasn't going too well.
>Joshua_Sokol: IILOTUX O7 LOX +41 379
#note missing cute X-setups, O7 TOLU and O7 LOTI. Had I thought about this longer, I would have challenged, because I lose to MONK(E)YED 3B no matter how much I score now. Really bad mistake to let UNSPACED* go in retrospect
>John_Karris: EKMT B10 KEM.T +46 349
>Joshua_Sokol: GIINOTU 3E G.NII +8 387
#note -10 to 2A GUNIT(E). Was not focused at all this game. This was the only out-in-two I saw. C8 TUI threatening INGO(T) is also better than this, as the threat is enough to bank 6 more points even if the out is blocked.
>John_Karris: DOUY O4 OY +16 365
>Joshua_Sokol: OTU M12 OUT +11 398
>Joshua_Sokol: (DU) +6 404