Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jvc jvc
#player2 jbro jbro
>jvc: AGILRRW 8D WIRRA +24 24
#note Didn't know WILGA. Quackle likes it slightly better than what I did. It's 2 more points but I'm not sure about RR versus GL.
>jbro: EJMNUY F6 JU.YMEN +41 41
>jvc: GIILNOU 11B LOUI. +10 34
>jbro: AEEG G6 AG.EE +33 74
>jvc: CDEGINN H1 CEDING +44 78
>jbro: CELOZ C9 CL.ZE +38 112
>jbro: AA (challenge) +5 117
>jvc: EHNOSSV 14A HOS +29 107
#note Missing H10 SHOVES is pretty shitty.
>jbro: AA D10 A.A +30 147
>jvc: AAEKNSV D4 NAVE. +22 129

>jbro: BPR 5B BR.P +16 163
>jvc: AFIKSTT 15A IF +35 164
>jbro: ?NQRT 4G Q.NTaR +28 191
#note He had the other blank.
>jvc: AIIKSTT 3J IKAT +25 189
>jbro: ITVY 2L TIVY +25 216
>jvc: DEIOSTU 5L OU +6 195
#note I saw the 7s on my rack and tunneled on fishing and creating a new line. I probably should've consdiered H10 STUDIO for 29.
>jbro: DNT 2G T.ND +17 233
>jvc: ADEILST 10F ..TALISED +68 263
>jbro: ELW O1 W.LE +33 266
>jvc: AAEOOSX I6 AX +29 292
#note I thought responses from 11L and 11H OXO are too easy to hit.
>jbro: ?EIMNOT L8 MI.aTONE +76 342
>jvc: ABEOOSS B2 BOO.S +22 314
#note I felt like I had to keep the lower right quadrant open if I wanted a shot to win.
>jbro: DFGOR 15H FORG.D +33 375
>jvc: AEEHPRS A1 PASH +54 368
#note Missing N6 EPHE(D)RAS for the game.
>jbro: EIOU A6 EUOI +14 389
>jbro: (REE) +6 395
Player 2
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