Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Balogun_Rasheed Balogun Rasheed
#note I played pretty bad this game. o well.
>Balogun_Rasheed: BIM 8G MIB +14 14
>JD: AFGINPS H8 .F +5 5
#note a fair try, but cashing the A also or playing FAP both look a little stronger. IF bingos about 79% versus 58% with FA. my heuristic is usually about 4 points per 10% bingo percentage as a worthy tradeoff.
>Balogun_Rasheed: ?ADIIST J3 DIArIST +65 79
>Balogun_Rasheed: FLNU M2 FLUN. +18 97
>JD: AADJMRU 5D JAM +28 95
#note I have the tricky UJAMAA available at F1, or DAMAN at 5I holding the J.
>Balogun_Rasheed: BCEOT D3 OB.ECT +36 133
>JD: ADLRRUX H1 LARRU. +27 122
#note the X will score no matter what; this felt like a good chance to clean up an ugly rack.
>Balogun_Rasheed: EHH C1 HEH +28 161
>JD: DEEEKOX L3 EXO. +44 166
>Balogun_Rasheed: AADEINN -AADE +0 161
>JD: CDEEKSV 1A EC.ED +36 202
#note interesting rack, the next best option is EVE at 2A for 12 points! but unlikely to work against a human opponent.
>Balogun_Rasheed: ADR B1 .ARD +24 185
>JD: AIKOSSV N1 OAK +31 233
#note I saw AVISO. the sim is a dead heat, I just figured it was most useful to set up the S hook on column O since I have the last two of them
>Balogun_Rasheed: AP O1 PA +30 215
>JD: EILSSVV 6A VIV. +12 245
#note this play sucks. I have no idea how I hit the clock without playing VAV instead of VIVE. not only that, but I totally whiffed on extending OBJECT to OBJECTIVES for 48 points!!
>Balogun_Rasheed: IORZ A6 .IZOR +51 266
#note he was going to hit the AZON spot on the right anyway, it turns out
>JD: EGLSSTW 2G W.G +7 252
#note Q likes cashing an S at this point with something like VIZORS/SWELT, but this is competitive. with good lanes available and it being tough to block, seemed worth fishing.
>Balogun_Rasheed: DENRUW C8 UNDREW +24 290
>JD: ELSSTYY 5J .T..Y +20 272
#note when I drew both Ys, being already under time pressure I felt pretty overwhelmed. unfortunately, I had never seen the gorgeous SYSTYLE#!!!
>Balogun_Rasheed: EEINNQU -EEIN +0 290
>JD: EEILSSY I8 .EY +16 288
#note tight sim between taking the points with EELY, LEY at D12 to make a hook, or BEY at I8. BEY seemed like the hardest for him to deal with.
>Balogun_Rasheed: ?AEEINT 11B T.AINEEs +72 362
>JD: EEILSSU 10A .U.E +13 301
>Balogun_Rasheed: AGO K9 AGO +15 377
>JD: EEILOSS 13C .E +5 306
#note ideally I'd score more, but I need another lane. Q likes EASE at D10, but it exposes me more to the Q, and he might be able to block anything I draw with AGOROT!
>Balogun_Rasheed: LOOR L9 LOOR +21 398
>JD: EILNOSS -- -73 306
#note great play by rasheed, I thought I had him beat given my draw, but he found a play such that my bingo loses by 3. had to try the hook.
>Balogun_Rasheed: NQTT D10 ..T.N +14 412
>JD: EILNOSS 2F S... +10 316
#note I've got a better placement with ELKS/PAS
>Balogun_Rasheed: QT 13C ..T +6 418
>JD: EILNOS L3 ....S +12 328
>Balogun_Rasheed: Q - +0 418
>JD: EILNO 3G O. +9 337
>Balogun_Rasheed: Q - +0 418
>JD: EILN 4G E. +8 345
#note correct placements of the O and E before I ran out of time
>Balogun_Rasheed: Q - +0 418
>JD: ILN F5 ..N +5 350
#note LI at 7F
>Balogun_Rasheed: Q - +0 418
>JD: IL F10 I. +4 354
#note ahhhh ran out of time!
>Balogun_Rasheed: Q F9 Q.. +12 430
#note lol
>Balogun_Rasheed: (L) +2 432