Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Akshay Bhandarkar Akshay
#player2 Peter Moses Peter
#title WESPAC 2017, Final Round 7
#description WESPAC 2017, Final Round 7
>Akshay: ?CEFNST 8B iNFECTS +80 80
#note Probably CoNFEST is a little better but it's not a huge deal.
>Peter: AELMOWY D8 .LAWY +28 28
#note Missed LAYWOMEN.
>Akshay: AEINNTU F6 UN.INATE +64 144
>Peter: AAEIJMO C10 MOAI +26 54
#note JIAO is better as it gives you more bingo potential and options for the M are good on this board, while also blocking a RUNCINATE hook you don't have.
>Akshay: BDEELOY B10 ODYL +35 179
>Akshay: BEEERTU (challenge) +5 184
#note ODYLE is clearly better.
>Peter: AEFJSTV B6 JA. +25 79
#note FE might not keep the best leave, but you really should like that row 15 line it creates when down 130.
>Akshay: BEEERTU 5C BEER +23 207
#note EE clears your rack, but BURET is probably best, blocking the S against a range that appears pretty strong (even though it's not)
>Peter: EFRSTTV D4 V.T +12 91
>Akshay: AEEOTUW 3B AWETO +23 230
#note I actually think the play is TATOU, as it limits the bingos and their firepower substantially while still scoring well enough. Plays that block EVET leave REVET which is a problem, and while you're repping the Z, that Z threat isn't realistic and Peter is too far behind to really react to it.
>Peter: EFIIRST 14D FISTIER +78 169
>Peter: EFIIRST -- -78 91
#note Probably FEISTIER or FEIRIEST. If you think you can get it by a decent percent, I don't hate this option, but you need some really good info that you can get it by.
>Akshay: EEKNPRU 13E E.K +12 242
#note Just block. You know what you're getting into after KEP for 35 setting up your U, or PERUKE for 38 giving you good scoring options. After IF, you've given up a lot of points with EEK.

Note that there's almost some really cool options and setups against this rack, but they don't quite work out how we'd want it.
>Peter: EFIIRST 2A IF +20 111
>Akshay: DENNPRU 2D REP +31 273
#note Missing UNPRUNED to clinch it.
>Peter: EIRSTUV H1 REVUIST. +86 197
#note Trying to maximize bingo percentage makes sense.
>Akshay: ?DGINNU 1H .oUNDING +83 356
>Peter: ELMPSXZ 6H .EZ +32 229
#note I get that Peter's probably disheartened but there's still some hope with IMPLEX here. You need some bingo potential though.
>Akshay: GHIILOO 2J HOI +32 388
#note THOLOI is clearly better.
>Peter: LMOOPSX 3L POX +30 259
>Akshay: GGILOOR G8 .OOL +12 400
#note OO is better but you're probably fine here.
>Peter: AELMORS N1 .O.AL +24 283
>Akshay: ADGGINR O4 NIGGARD +88 488
>Akshay: ADEEIIR (challenge) +5 493
#note Removes all doubt. Congrats to Akshay!
>Peter: CEHMQRS A1 Q. +33 316
>Akshay: ADEEIIR N10 AIRED +21 514
>Peter: CEHMRST M10 CHEM +43 359
>Akshay: ABEISU 4J BUS +24 538
>Peter: RST 11L T..S +18 377
>Akshay: AEI C5 .EI. +20 558
>Peter: R B2 ..R +6 383
>Peter: (A) +2 385
Player 2
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