Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter Moses Peter
#player2 Akshay Bhandarkar Akshay
#title WESPAC 2017, Final Round 6
#description WESPAC 2017, Final Round 6
>Peter: CDEEJLR 8G JEED +24 24
>Akshay: ADGIILU 9C DULIA +19 19
>Peter: CLORRUY 8A CLOY +51 75
>Akshay: AGILOPY 10D PIOY +38 57
>Peter: ARRTUVX I7 V.XT +26 101
#note You can also keep the T for next turn if you want, but it's totally optional.
>Akshay: ?AEGIKL A8 .AGELIKe +95 152
>Akshay: EHINOSU (challenge) +5 157
>Peter: AACERRU 12A .ACER +14 115
#note AURELIA is best by far. Tough find.
>Akshay: EHINOSU 13D HEINOUS +69 226
>Peter: ABENQRU H12 B.RA +27 142
#note BONA is better as QUER is so much better for hitting long shots, but this is gonna be quite the hill to climb.
>Akshay: EIORSTT 15F TO.STIER +59 285
>Peter: ENOPQTU L11 QUOT. +28 170
#note TOQUE is better. You really need to open up the top of the board somehow, but this is looking very dire already.
>Akshay: BFILNST M9 FLITS +41 326
>Peter: AEEFINP N11 NEEP +30 200
#note Good option to create the S hook, but it's probably too late.
>Akshay: ?BGHINT O6 BIGHTs +45 371
#note Worth it.
>Peter: AFINORW B11 F.NO +33 233
#note FIRWOOD tries to open the top but d2 plays will just close it again anyway. This one's a wrap.
>Akshay: ENNNORZ L8 ZO +26 397
#note ZOL is actually quite a bit better as it's more threatening to open the top of the board, whereas l3 is easier to hit but much easier to parallel.
>Peter: ADIMRUW 7K MAW +24 257
#note This essentially ends the game. There's no coming back after this.
>Akshay: ENNNRSW J10 ERN. +10 407
>Peter: ADEIORU N2 AUDIO +22 279
>Akshay: ADENNSW O1 WANE +32 439
>Peter: AEEIRRV 4L RI.. +10 289
>Akshay: ADGMNS M3 M.G +25 464
>Peter: AEERV B3 REVEA. +11 300
>Peter: (ADNS) +10 310
Player 2
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