Player 1 |
#player1 Peter Moses Peter
#player2 Akshay Bhandarkar Akshay
#title WESPAC 2017, Final Round 4
#description WESPAC 2017, Final Round 4
#note BOULT seems better, even though it keeps the ugly OU leave. If you're gonna exchange, LT seems good enough to keep.
>Akshay: DDDEEIN 8G DENIED +20 20
#note EDDIED is a trifle better as it leaves fewer parallel options, scores two more, and keeps the N and doesn't hang it for your opponent.
>Peter: AAAESWX 7H WAX +31 31
>Akshay: ACDIIRU L4 DRUI.IC +22 42
#note Nice way to dump a pretty ugly rack.
>Peter: ?AAELSS 9D SALAdES +81 112
#note Nice overlap: harder than it looks!
>Akshay: ACIJOUY 8A JUCO +45 87
>Peter: EEFLNRY B6 FL.EY +27 139
#note FLEY and FERLY are also good options.
>Akshay: AEIMNVY A10 MAYVIN +61 148
>Akshay: AEEFGUZ (challenge) +5 153
>Peter: AENOQRT 6G QAT +22 161
#note Or TRANQ.
>Akshay: AEEFGUZ C3 FUZE +37 190
#note FEAGUE is clearly better.
>Peter: EENOORV 4H OVER.ONE +64 225
>Akshay: ABEGIUW N1 BEG.AW +40 230
#note Or GAW/GAU d4.
>Peter: LMORTTT D4 MOTT.. +41 266
>Akshay: DIIOORU E3 DUO +37 267
>Peter: ABGHLRT O1 AH +32 298
#note Seems fine but probably not the play I'd make.
>Akshay: IINOORR 13A .IRION +18 285
>Peter: BGHLRTT E11 BR.TH +20 318
#note BRITH and GRITH seem clearly better. I'm guessing he did this because of 11e for the B seems much better than 11d, but I just don't think it's worth it at this score. It focuses too much on worst case scenarios.
>Akshay: ?EEORST 15D T.EOREmS +83 368
>Peter: GIKLNOT O4 .NOKI +34 352
#note I love the idea of ENOKI, but TOKO just seems better.
>Akshay: AEEGILP 8N G. +3 371
#note PI seems much, much better than this in every way, as does GRAIP, just ceding the n8 bingos (there aren't THAT many). That being said, it looks to me like the play is AGILE. AGILE does give up some bingos in row 12, but it's considerably fewer than GRAIP, and it gets outscored occasionally to non-bingos, but not very often.
>Peter: AGILNST 12E .ATLINGS +72 424
>Akshay: AEEILPP 14G PAPE +23 394
>Peter: R 2M R.. +6 430
>Peter: (EIL) +6 436