Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Akshay Bhandarkar Akshay
#player2 Peter Moses Peter
#title WESPAC 2017, Final Round 3
#description WESPAC 2017, Final Round 3
>Akshay: AEKNRSX 8G KEX +28 28
>Peter: ABEGIQV 7H BAG +21 21
#note I like this play although I could certainly understand QI too. BEG is also a nice, unconventional option, saving the A which works better than the E with this leave.
>Akshay: AANORSS 6G SORA +26 54
>Peter: AEIQSTV 9F QI +19 40
#note QATS g3 is also reasonable given Akshay's range.
>Akshay: AEJNORS 5J JOR +31 85
#note JA or JO are better (probably JA) as you're up against a strong range, and the R is just too strong of a tile to waste here. Range finding says definitely an S, probably either an O and an A, so leaving an R open against this range seems silly.
>Peter: AELNSTV L1 VENT.ALS +82 122
>Akshay: AENOSYY M2 AYES +39 124
#note Brutal draw. EYAS makes parallels slightly harder, but it's a moot point.
>Peter: ACDHIOO 10D CAID +30 152
#note OSHAC is good since DIO hits this board much harder than usual between the open C at o8 and row 10. HOODIA is also reasonable. CAID struggles as the HOO (especially the O) is kind of weak on this board.
>Akshay: ILNORTY D10 .LOY +18 142
#note INRT just doesn't hit this board very well, as it needs an E to do much and the lines are weak, and your opponent's range after CAID beats INRT. Taking the points and getting new tiles while being more defensive with a play such as TYRONIC is the correct theme.
>Peter: EEHOOOR 5E HOOR +22 174
#note Pretty tough position, but lots of reasonable options, including OO, SHOO, and HOE. Not exactly sure which is best (I think HOE but could easily be wrong) but HOOR doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, and focuses too much on potential bingo threats and closing space with too small a lead. (FWIW, this is something emblematic of several Nigerians and will show up later in this series.)
>Akshay: EFGINRT E1 FRIG.TEN +65 207
#note Despite this being a common word, many players would miss this. Nice find!
>Peter: ?EEINOW C12 WOE +27 201
>Akshay: ADEHPRT B13 HAP +29 236
#note PATHED seems best. DERT is not that great here, and PATHED is 26 more points and doesn't allow huge potential parallel responses.
>Peter: ?DEIMNT 3B MIN.aTED +76 277
#note MuTINIED is slightly better against parallel responses, but there aren't too many potential parallels in Akshay's range, so it's kind of an interesting choice, but it doesn't matter too much.
>Akshay: DEFORTU 2C TU.F +31 267
#note RETURF is much better, as well as TRUFFE.
>Peter: ACLNPSU 11G SCALP +27 304
#note Missing UNCLASP.
>Akshay: DEENORU H11 .URED +27 294
#note I assume this is a conscious choice, but I have no idea why. COUDE seems to be a much better of this, although I *guess* he's saving the O for a15 and potential overlaps? Still not feeling this option and prefer COUDE. RETURFED, saving the O is also a reasonable option although you're just killing your bingo potential way too much imo.
>Peter: DEIMNNU I10 N.MED +19 323
#note This is kind of like HOOR all over again: it's just over the top in terms of defense. There's a blank out, huge bingo and scoring lines, and you're only up 10, so doing this requires outplaying your opponent badly. It just seems like there's too many scoring and bingo options for this to be viable. If you want a defensive option I'm fine with ENNUIED, but I'm also fine with just taking MU or NU for the points myself, depending on how strong I think Akshay's rack likely is.
>Akshay: BEEEINO G13 OBE +19 313
#note BEEDIE just seems much stronger, as OBE seems too closed and really risky as vowel draws can cripple you. The 15k spot looks terrible until you realize that there's not a ton of plays that fit there, and Peter's range after NAMED makes it even less likely.
>Peter: IILNOTU A14 NU +21 344
#note UNION has to come down to block the M and clear your rack, as well as stopping several scoring threats along row 8.
>Akshay: EEGINRT M8 INTEGER +70 383
>Peter: IIIILOT 14K LI.I +8 352
>Akshay: ?AAEUVZ 8A ZUpA. +42 425
>Peter: IIOTW 4A WIT +17 369
>Akshay: AEV E13 AVE +16 441
>Akshay: (IO) +4 445
Player 2
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