Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter Moses Peter
#player2 Akshay Bhandarkar Akshay
#title WESPAC 2017, Final Round 2
#description WESPAC 2017, Final Round 2
>Peter: HILNSTT 8G NTH +12 12
#note TILTH is probably slightly better, but NTH is fine too.
>Akshay: ?BDLPRS -BDLP +0 0
>Peter: IIILSTW H3 TWILI. +13 25
#note Slightly prefer IWI, but this is okay I guess.
>Akshay: ?AAFORS 3E hAF.AROS +65 65
#note Nice find by Akshay not just in terms of finding the word, but also concluding fairly quickly that there are no better bingos.
>Peter: ?GINPRS 5D PaIR.NGS +90 115
#note uPRISING is best I think, but this is good enough.
>Akshay: AHILTUV 4A VATU +30 95
#note UH is also a very reasonable alternative, but I probably prefer Akshay's choice.
>Peter: DEGINOO A4 .ENDIGO +36 151
>Peter: DEGINOO -- -36 115
#note Probably OGIVE, but obviously many better options
>Akshay: EEHILRU A1 LUR.E +24 119
#note ERHU scores better with a better leave, as the L works much better with vowels.
>Peter: DEGINOO 6B GEOID +28 143
#note Best. Most plays with better leaves lack since this board is lacking in bingo potential.
>Akshay: AABEEHI 4J AHI +26 145
#note AHI 2e and BHAI are both slightly stronger plays, but this is reasonable.
>Peter: EKNORRU 2D ROKE +40 183
>Akshay: ABEEEPY 1C PEBA +23 168
#note YBET and ABET are both better, as the P is a valuable tile to balance your leave.
>Peter: CCFNNRU -CCFNNU +0 183
#note CURN is likely slightly better? It's close, and exchanging is also reasonable.
>Akshay: AEESUYZ 3A .YU +21 189
>Peter: EENQRTY 6H .YE +20 203
#note x2 is also a reasonable alternative.
>Akshay: ACEENSZ I2 Z. +11 200
#note Nice option! While CEAZE 9c etc. are tempting, fishing in this case is just better, especially after responding to LYE.
>Peter: EFNQRTU 2A .R +16 219
#note UR might win a simulation, but it unrealistically forecasts future positions. UR struggles against optimal human play as you're bound to get into a fishing leveling war that this rack can't realistically win. ERF does much better against optimal play, as does exchanging.
>Akshay: ACEENOS 9I ECO +12 212
#note Absolutely not. You're against a range that's crushing, and getting rid of the C which is really useful on this board with this pool. OE is a much better version of this play, although the best play has to be OARAGE, continuing the cat and mouse game.
>Peter: EFINQTU 10F QUIN +39 258
#note QUIT creates future fewer j9 threats, and keeps the N for IN- words at h10, making it clearly stronger.
>Akshay: AEENOOS J9 .ANOE +25 237
#note This is a close position, as while COOEE has an obviously better leave, the pool is slightly weighted towards playing CANOE instead. I prefer COOEE slightly just because the O and E is duplicated (open O and E paired with the O and E in your leave) and gives you worse options in response to likely 8k plays, but I understand the thought behind CANOE as well. Close decision.
>Peter: EFRTTVX 13I V.RTEX +40 298
>Akshay: ACDEOST N10 COA.ED +44 281
#note COAXED looks like the star play but is actually weaker than it appears since it severely inhibits bingo options. You really want row 14 parallels to open row 15 as that gives you some hope, giving OCTAD and ATOC some credibility as well. I probably prefer OCTAD overall.
>Peter: BEFMOTW 15L BO.E +30 328
#note While this kills the best immediate bingo line, this play has significant potential of being outrun, especially from 8k J plays. With only a 17 point lead, a paltry 30 points and a horrific FMTW leave is too risky, BOWET might be a scary option with bingo potential, but it leaves outscoring on the table and does much better against potential scoring threats.
>Akshay: DEGIMST 11E MIG +26 307
#note While this seems alright at first glance, this isn't a very good option when you look closer. DEST is nearly useless after this play, and the IST list on row 11 is a threat. MIDGE puts you in the position to potentially outscore, preserves column b and c for bingos, allows you to hit row 11 scores and bingos, and is a much stronger play. It's worth noting that Akshay keeping strong leaves on bad boards is a theme of this finals to continue to look out for.
>Peter: AFJMOTW 12C JAM +30 358
>Akshay: DEELLST 8K DEL +8 315
#note Best, but kind of by default. You really need the A in the bag to negate opponent's blocking options.
>Peter: AFIIOTW 8K ...FT +27 385
>Akshay: ELNNSST 12C ...S +25 340
>Peter: ADIIOW 13B WAI +32 417
>Akshay: ELNNST K8 ..SE +29 369
>Peter: DIO 14B OI +24 441
>Akshay: LNNT 14A N..NT +8 377
>Peter: D J9 .....D +13 454
>Peter: (L) +2 456
Player 2
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