Player 1 |
#player1 BJ BJ
#player2 Iliana_F Iliana F
#note AYU sims better.
>Iliana_F: U -U +0 0
>BJ: AAISVYZ 7D AVYZ. +30 42
>Iliana_F: FGI 8B FIG +14 14
>Iliana_F: ?GIJLNO 10E JOLtING +74 88
#note Bingo!
>BJ: CEEMNOW A12 MEOW +47 167
>Iliana_F: BDEENOR I1 ENROBED +91 179
#note Bango!
>BJ: ACDEMPU 1H D.CAMP +48 215
#note H1 MAUD for 48 sims significantly better.
>Iliana_F: AHILNSU K4 HAULIN.S +98 277
#note Bongo!
>BJ: DEFIRTU 1H ......ED +48 263
#note Too bad no place for FRUITED.
>Iliana_F: A G7 .A +13 290
>BJ: AFIRRTU E10 .URA +22 285
#note Missed 8K IFTAR for 36.
>Iliana_F: AEGLNOT 14E TANGELO +74 364
#note I gave her the hook for TANGELO, but there was also N1 ELONGATE.
>BJ: EFIIIRT 15H IF +29 314
#note Damn I wish she'd not blocked column H, because I really wanted to play (BEAUT)IFIER for 54. (I almost had (BEAUT)IFIED earlier.) I struggled with this one. 15F REIF and 15K FIRIE are best. Mine is not bad.
>Iliana_F: ILOOV 15K OVOLI +38 402
#note I'm trying so hard to stay above water in this game despite being out-bingoed 4-0, and then OVOLI comes in like another punch in the stomach! Nice find. :)
>BJ: EIIRRTT L3 RIT +18 332
#note Didn't see L1 MITIER. TETRI/TERRIT/TIRRIT in column L were next best. RIT was a little ways down but I liked the leave.
>Iliana_F: ER E5 RE. +12 414
>BJ: CDEIRTY 13I DECRY +42 374
>Iliana_F: KT 6D T.K +40 454
>Iliana_F: KT -- -40 414
#note A lucky break here with this phony. Can I actually win this game despite having zero bingos?
>BJ: AIINPTX 2N XI +39 413
#note 8J PINXIT would've been sweet.
>Iliana_F: EHKT 4C KHET +29 443
>BJ: AEINPTW C2 AW. +20 433
#note I figure she's got good tiles at this point, probably the blank. Maybe I should have blocked a lane and tried to catch up, but I decided to take a chance on a bingo next turn myself. But just in case not, I left myself the front-hook P on AWK. Champ likes C8 IWI best, which I didn't see.
>Iliana_F: ?ENOSST M4 TENSOrS +66 509
#note Many choices. (DI)SHONEST and (EX)TENSORS were the two 9s.
>BJ: EEINPTT 1A TIPT +34 467
#note Didn't really know NEPIT, TIPT was second best.
>Iliana_F: O N1 ..O +10 519
>Iliana_F: (ENE) +6 525
#note (Final score was 530 for Iliana -- +5 for my challenging HAULINGS earlier.) Fun game!!