Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Tim_Anglin Tim Anglin
>Joshua_Sokol: AAENNTU -ANU +0 0
>Tim_Anglin: ADETX 8H TAXED +30 30
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINOT 7K OE +7 7
#note I have no clue why I scored this as 9, but I was attempting to play scoring defense here, but I should just score myself.
>Tim_Anglin: DIQ I7 Q.DI +26 56
>Joshua_Sokol: AEINOTY 9G YO. +13 20
>Tim_Anglin: EELSSTT 11C SETTLES +79 135
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEILNT D8 DAT.LINE +74 94
>Tim_Anglin: KPU 15A PUK. +30 165
>Joshua_Sokol: BFILLOR L2 FOIBL.. +26 120
>Joshua_Sokol: BFILLOR -- -26 94
#note thought this was good
>Tim_Anglin: BEGG L3 BEGG.. +22 187
>Joshua_Sokol: BFILLOR 8A FOL. +24 118
#note M2 FILO
>Tim_Anglin: ?EEPSTT 4G STEEP.sT +60 247
>Joshua_Sokol: BEIILRS 3A RISIBLE +73 191
>Tim_Anglin: ACIO A1 CO.IA +24 271
#note This move pissed me off the most out of everything
>Joshua_Sokol: AAFJNNV 13B AJ.VA +30 221
#note now wanted to leave the huge bingo lane from the C open
>Tim_Anglin: AIM 5J MA.I +27 298
>Joshua_Sokol: FHINNRY B2 F.NNY +52 273
#note at this point I can outrun sometimes so I chose to block the C
>Tim_Anglin: DEORV D1 VO.DER +28 326
>Joshua_Sokol: HIIOORR 14F HI +26 299
#note Oops draw, don't make mistakes folks...

14F HI looked fine because there were only N's that could go underneath the I and that doesn't score much. 10B RO(T)I sims best, whatever
>Tim_Anglin: EINRU 15F INURE +23 349
>Joshua_Sokol: GHIOORR 1D .IGOR +27 326
#note 14J HOG??
>Tim_Anglin: AAW 14I AWA +29 378
>Joshua_Sokol: AHNORRW 13I WON +28 354
#note missed 13H HWAN which wins once in a blue moon. I was hoping for the O and the blank for HARROw 12J, or AE for HARMER, something that gave me an out and hoped that Tim would majorly screw his end of the endgame up.
>Tim_Anglin: ?CEMNUZ 10H M.ZEN +42 420
#note -6, but good endgame
>Joshua_Sokol: AHORRU 11K HOUR +26 380
>Tim_Anglin: ?CU N1 CUr. +10 430
#note -4 but good endgame
>Tim_Anglin: (AR) +4 434
Player 2
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