Player 1 |
#player1 dean_p dean p
#player2 cesar cesar
>dean_p: AJM 8G JAM +24 24
>cesar: ADFINNQ 7H FAN +17 17
#note sigh, i know, FAIN is the play here. but will it ever work? i struggled a long time with this and just laid down FAN. but, now that i think about it, i should play FAIN after all because FAN will "work" even less, or just do QAID or something.
>dean_p: ?AEELNT K5 ELEgANT +81 105
#note yup, shoulda done FAIN.
>cesar: BCDINQU J2 QUIN +35 52
#note again being a chicken and not playing QUID, but in this case, he has the E literally always.
>dean_p: BIO 9G OBI +31 136
>cesar: BCDKPRV -BDKPV +0 52
#note scrabble is ridiculous sometimes.
>dean_p: EFO 10E FOE +18 154
>cesar: ACEOORT E10 .OO +12 64
#note i desperately need to phony
>dean_p: ADDEISV 13D ADVISED +72 226
>cesar: AACERTT 14I TEACART +79 143
>dean_p: KRW D12 W.RK +42 268
>cesar: AAILSTU 2J .UAIL +28 171
#note crap, i should do QUALIA here!!
>dean_p: DEIY O11 DEI.Y +30 298
>cesar: AEEMSST 1L MAES +38 209
#note this is definitely a cock-up; missed 3F MEATUSES. even remember looking through the U but very briefly. ugh. - a lot
>dean_p: HOO 15A HOO. +33 331
>cesar: EERSSTZ L1 ..ZE +30 239
>dean_p: OY 14A OY +25 356
>cesar: EGRRSST M13 G.R +8 247
>dean_p: EGILNTT M4 LETTING +62 418
#note gg ty
>cesar: EEPRSST 8K .R.PE +21 268
#note i think i was low on time here and just played something. probably H7 FABS or something like that, but who cares
>dean_p: IX 15J XI +22 440
>cesar: ENSSTUV -UNV +0 268
#note i have no idea what i exchanged here, or why. probably UNV. maybe play SEV or something.
>dean_p: DILRW O4 WILD.R +14 454
>cesar: ?AERSST C6 SpAREST +63 331
#note i had like 5 seconds on my clock but should have played TAXI. but i don't even know if he played that XI or the XI on top of ADVISED.
>dean_p: GHUV D3 VUGH +27 481
>cesar: BENNOP 8A BE.NO +24 355
>dean_p: CIU 10A CU. +7 488
>cesar: NP 4C P.N +5 360
#note not good, i'm 3-2 now and i haven't played anyone above ~1600 yet.
>cesar: (I) +2 362