Player 1 |
#player1 huguette_settle huguette settle
#player2 cesar cesar
>huguette_settle: EIILMRT 8D MILTIER +74 74
#note sokay, i got this
>cesar: AEMOOOR 7I MOO +17 17
#note From now on, no more -3 or -5 or -whatever on my games. Since I solely play with Nash Equilibrium / Counter-Factual Regret Minimization / Deep Learning with Monte Carlo Tree Search now, it's hard to quantify my strategies. My friends hated this move, but I simmed it in my head during the game and it simmed best.
>huguette_settle: EHTW 9H THEW +31 105
>cesar: AEEORYZ F8 .AZY +36 53
#note this is an unfortunately terrible, lazy move. i did not see 10K OYEZ, but talked myself out of YORE/THEWY. I think if I had seen YEAR i would have played it, and i probably did see it at some point, but a large part of my time was taken up by trying to talk myself into playing AEROLYZE* since i suddenly seemed pretty likely to lose. F5 AZOLE is also fine.
In tournament games, I usually have a little César-shaped devil on one of my shoulders who will randomly make me make a terrible move, sometimes multiple in one game, sometimes none for a couple of games, but i cannot shake him unfortunately. I'm trying to improve at that.
>huguette_settle: AAG 7E AGA +28 133
>cesar: EEIORSU E11 OE +14 67
#note this is probably ok, but i really hated my life right now. how did I journey for over 3000 miles, for 12 hours, across four timezones, rent a car, drive to Shediac, New Brunswick, only to be getting killed in my very first game?
>huguette_settle: COP D11 COP +26 159
>cesar: CEIORSU 13C U. +8 75
#note i did not see UREIC 14B. this is pretty desperate, i know.
>huguette_settle: AEEGNSV L1 AVENGES +80 239
>cesar: CEIIORS 4F SORICI.E +61 136
#note i should play RECISION here for obvious reasons.
>huguette_settle: AEHN 2J HA.EN +38 277
>cesar: ?ADINTX 3G TAXI +50 186
#note the only bingo here (B7 oXIDANT) is FAR worse than my move.
>huguette_settle: IQ 5E QI +24 301
>cesar: ?DGNNUV H1 GU..D +21 207
#note lol. B10 VeNDU and throw in the towel? GUARD is clearly best.
>huguette_settle: BY 6J BY. +31 332
>cesar: ?KNNRTV -KNRV +0 207
#note i kept NT? because there's three Rs out but quackle likes keeping the K -- makes sense, I need to get a giant bingo and there's also some good K fish spots. (3M eg)
>huguette_settle: AEU 6C EAU +16 348
>cesar: ?JNPRRT 1K P.R +11 218
#note i'm out of ideas at this point and hoping for a massive J bingo, and to make it harder for her to score at top right. C12 JUN or exchanging are probably better.
>huguette_settle: BFO B4 FOB +26 374
>cesar: ?IJNORT B9 JOINTeR +85 303
>huguette_settle: AK 15A A.K +21 395
>cesar: DEFLSTW 10J DELFT +32 335
#note i'm not 100% sure if my last tile was a W, i knew i had an S, and i hesitated before sticking the T on. I had no idea what ARK kept since I had no idea what my opponent's rating was.
>huguette_settle: ?EORSTV O4 VEcTORS +99 494
#note christ
>cesar: DEEINSW 14D ENDWISE +75 410
>huguette_settle: DILLNNR 15H DILL +28 522
>cesar: AU N10 .AU +3 413
#note (COY)AU. I suck.
>cesar: (NNR) +6 419