Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Wellington_Jighere Wellington Jighere
#player2 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
>Wellington_Jighere: AAACLSS 8G CASA +12 12
>Nigel_Richards: EEEINNV J7 N.EVI +16 16
>Wellington_Jighere: AAAELST I6 AA. +7 19
>Nigel_Richards: EEFGNNR 5I FEN +19 35
>Wellington_Jighere: AELOSTX K11 OX +22 41
>Nigel_Richards: AEEGNRR G6 RE. +6 41
>Wellington_Jighere: AEELRST L4 STEALER +73 114
>Nigel_Richards: AEGINRW 7F W. +5 46
>Wellington_Jighere: AGIITUW E6 TAUIWI +24 138
>Nigel_Richards: AEEGINR M9 REGINAE +73 119
>Wellington_Jighere: CDGHJQT 15L T.CH +30 168
>Nigel_Richards: DDEIORS M1 DORISED +89 208
>Wellington_Jighere: DGJNOQY 1K DO.GY +36 204
>Nigel_Richards: EIILPRS N10 PI +24 232
>Wellington_Jighere: ?DEJNQT J2 JET. +27 231
>Nigel_Richards: EILORSY K11 ..Y +13 245
>Wellington_Jighere: ?DFLNPQ -PQLF +0 231
>Nigel_Richards: AEILORS F6 A. +12 257
>Wellington_Jighere: ??DMNUZ 8A kUDZ. +72 303
>Nigel_Richards: EILOORS O4 ORIOLES +80 337
>Wellington_Jighere: ?EFIMNO C1 INFOrME. +78 381
>Nigel_Richards: BIKMNOR 1A BR.K +45 382
>Wellington_Jighere: ALNQTUU 4A QU.TA +48 429
>Nigel_Richards: ILMNOTV 11D V.M +8 390
>Wellington_Jighere: EHLNOPU B7 O.PHE +20 449
>Nigel_Richards: BGILNOT A11 BLING +31 421
>Wellington_Jighere: LNU 3E LUN +6 455
>Wellington_Jighere: (OT) +4 459
Player 2
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