Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Wellington_Jighere Wellington Jighere
#player2 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
>Wellington_Jighere: DEEHLRU 8D HURLED +28 28
>Nigel_Richards: AAEKVWY D8 .AWKEY +38 38
>Wellington_Jighere: CCDEEIQ F6 CE.IC +21 49
>Nigel_Richards: AEIMSTV 10B VA. +17 55
>Wellington_Jighere: ADDEEQY E11 YEAD +41 90
>Nigel_Richards: EIMORST 15B MOISTER +89 144
>Wellington_Jighere: DDEEFOQ 14A FED +25 115
>Nigel_Richards: EGNNOSS H5 GON.NESS +60 204
>Wellington_Jighere: ?DEIOQT I4 QI +14 129
>Nigel_Richards: AAIILOO J3 AIOLI +22 226
>Wellington_Jighere: ?DEOORT 14H OuTDOER +70 199
>Nigel_Richards: ALNNOTU 13L NOUT +16 242
>Wellington_Jighere: BEIIJPW 9C J. +34 233
>Nigel_Richards: ?ALNRTU O6 RUTiLAN. +74 316
>Wellington_Jighere: BEIILPW 11H .WIPE +20 253
>Nigel_Richards: AABEOOP 10J BOEP +30 346
>Wellington_Jighere: BFILNST K2 FINS +38 291
>Nigel_Richards: AAHORUZ N4 ZOA +18 364
>Wellington_Jighere: BGLNRTX -BLTGRN +0 291
>Nigel_Richards: AEHIRUV O1 RIVA +36 400
>Wellington_Jighere: AAEGMTX 13B MA.. +33 324
>Nigel_Richards: EGHILTU M5 GLUT +12 412
>Wellington_Jighere: ABEGRTX N1 EX +38 362
>Nigel_Richards: EHIN 15K EH +22 434
>Wellington_Jighere: ABGRT G12 AB +9 371
>Nigel_Richards: IN J10 ..NI. +7 441
>Nigel_Richards: (GRT) +8 449
Player 2
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