Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
#player2 Wellington_Jighere Wellington Jighere
>Nigel_Richards: CEILTUV H7 LUV +12 12
>Wellington_Jighere: EHOPUUY -OHPUUY +0 0
>Nigel_Richards: ACEEIIT 9F CI.ET +12 24
>Wellington_Jighere: ?AENOTV J5 NOVA.Ed +13 13
>Nigel_Richards: AEIJNTW K4 JAW +35 59
>Wellington_Jighere: BILORRS L3 ROB +33 46
>Nigel_Richards: ABEIMNT 4K ..B +12 71
>Wellington_Jighere: ?EILRRS N3 RERaILS +69 115
>Nigel_Richards: AEIMNPT 8L PA.M +27 98
>Wellington_Jighere: CELNNTW K10 NEWT +18 133
>Nigel_Richards: EFIINRT L11 FEINT +35 133
>Wellington_Jighere: CDELNTY M11 TYNE +37 170
>Nigel_Richards: AIINPRZ 2J ZIP +42 175
>Wellington_Jighere: AACDEGL O1 AGED +43 213
>Nigel_Richards: AINOORT 3L .O.. +16 191
>Wellington_Jighere: ACIKLLO F6 CLI.K +29 242
>Nigel_Richards: AINORTY O8 .INATORY +94 285
>Wellington_Jighere: ALOOOOU -OOOOLU +0 242
>Nigel_Richards: EEHIIMU H6 E...IUM +15 300
>Wellington_Jighere: AADENQS 15H QANA.S +53 295
>Nigel_Richards: DEHHIIX I12 IXI. +23 323
>Wellington_Jighere: ADEFLOS 11B FOALS +30 325
>Nigel_Richards: DEGHHRU 12A HERD +37 360
>Wellington_Jighere: ADEEERT 13B REDATE +33 358
>Nigel_Richards: GGHOOSU 3G GOGO +21 381
>Wellington_Jighere: DEOU 1H OUD +25 383
>Nigel_Richards: HSU G3 .USH +16 397
>Nigel_Richards: (E) +2 399
Player 2
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