Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Francis_Wachira Francis Wachira
#player2 Jighere_Wellington Jighere Wellington
>Francis_Wachira: DDHNOTU 8D HOUND +26 26
>Jighere_Wellington: AARSTUX 7F XU +22 22
>Francis_Wachira: DINRTTU D4 TRUT. +16 42
>Jighere_Wellington: AAIRSST I2 ARISTAS +69 91
>Francis_Wachira: DEEEINO H1 NEED +30 72
>Jighere_Wellington: ABCCIMY 6G MI.Y +22 113
>Francis_Wachira: EEFGIOO 5B FO.GO +18 90
>Jighere_Wellington: ABCCLNO B2 CON.AB +30 143
>Francis_Wachira: AEEIIOW A7 AWE +22 112
>Jighere_Wellington: CEIKLLO 2B .LICK +23 166
>Francis_Wachira: AEIILOO B9 AIOLI +9 121
>Jighere_Wellington: ADEELOQ D1 Q. +21 187
>Francis_Wachira: EINOPTW A13 POW +28 149
>Jighere_Wellington: ADEELOY C11 YAE +29 216
>Francis_Wachira: BEEHINT D11 EH +28 177
>Jighere_Wellington: DEEFLOV 3F OV..FEED +44 260
>Francis_Wachira: BEIINNT L1 BI.N +18 195
>Jighere_Wellington: ?AELPRR 10D PREoRAL +70 330
>Francis_Wachira: ?EEIMNT 11H EMINEnT +74 269
>Jighere_Wellington: EGIIRRV H10 ..GIVE +36 366
>Francis_Wachira: ADEGJLZ M9 JA.GLED +46 315
>Jighere_Wellington: INRRSTU 14H .IRTU.S +24 390
>Francis_Wachira: AOSTZ L10 Z.A +41 356
>Jighere_Wellington: NR 15G R.N +5 395
>Jighere_Wellington: (OST) +6 401
Player 2
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