Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Allan_Oyende Allan Oyende
#player2 Ogbakpa_Rex Ogbakpa Rex
>Allan_Oyende: DENOQRT -Q +0 0
>Ogbakpa_Rex: EERTWYZ 8G YEZ +30 30
>Allan_Oyende: DELNORT F4 ENTROLD +80 80
>Ogbakpa_Rex: HIRTW 4A WRITH. +32 62
>Allan_Oyende: EGIOPPV A1 VIE. +30 110
>Ogbakpa_Rex: DEIMSTU 10C MUD.IEST +64 126
>Allan_Oyende: EFGNOPP D7 OPP.GN +28 138
>Ogbakpa_Rex: AEILORU E9 U.O +19 145
>Allan_Oyende: ?BEFIOR B3 F.IB +20 158
>Ogbakpa_Rex: ACEILRU A6 AURICLE +84 229
>Allan_Oyende: ?EGORVW C6 OW +23 181
>Ogbakpa_Rex: ADEGRSY 5E A.ERGY +30 259
>Allan_Oyende: ?AEGHRV H1 HAVE. +36 217
>Ogbakpa_Rex: DEINNOS 9H NO +19 278
>Allan_Oyende: ??GKOOR 2G K.nGaROO +80 297
>Ogbakpa_Rex: DEIILNS 3M DIN +16 294
>Allan_Oyende: ANRSTTX K1 T.X +9 306
>Ogbakpa_Rex: AEEILNS 13D SEALINE +71 365
>Allan_Oyende: ADENRST 12I ENDARTS +72 378
>Ogbakpa_Rex: AABIMQS O3 .IQAABS +57 422
>Allan_Oyende: ACEIJOU N6 JA +52 430
>Ogbakpa_Rex: AEFLMT 14J FEMAL +50 472
>Allan_Oyende: CEIOU 4K ICE +24 454
#rack2 T
Player 2
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