Player 1 |
#player1 Noah_Berger Noah Berger
#player2 JD JD
>Noah_Berger: EORTW 8D WROTE +24 24
>Noah_Berger: LOW 6E .WOL +15 39
>Noah_Berger: EGINORT 5G GENITOR +72 111
#note missed inedible? was I even trying?
>Noah_Berger: ADIQ J2 QAD. +34 145
>JD: ANNOPSY L12 PONY +34 145
>Noah_Berger: LPRTY 3I P.RTLY +28 173
>JD: ABCEENS K11 CAB +23 168
#note there are no S hooks and mine is the first in the game, so the S has unusually low value. I responded by creating an S hook, but the leave isn't wonderful and the lane doesn't score much. Q favors NABE at K11 as more of a blocking play. EENS doesn't do much if I don't bingo, so NABE actually leads to a higher mean score next turn (48.6) than CAB does (46.1), even though the latter outbingos the former 35% v 24%. But the top play in the sim is the counter-intuitive SENECA at 6J, which ditches the S and opens a triple lane for 37. I suppose it pays off because I'm likely to be able to take at least one of the scoring spots next turn, and also because there are two blanks and three esses left to draw into.
>Noah_Berger: DILO N12 DIOL +17 190
>JD: EEKNRST 15L .E.K +33 201
>Noah_Berger: IX 9H XI +19 209
#note ooh, interesting block.
>JD: EFNRSTV C3 F.NT +14 215
#note bah, I obviously know FUNFAIR, but forgot to look for it here!
>Noah_Berger: EEMS 6J SEM. +31 240
>JD: EGIIRSV D8 .IVER +22 237
#note probably not a good time to open, especially because he's been building his rack for a long time. just DIG looks right.
>Noah_Berger: EHIORSU 13A HOUSIER +84 324
>JD: GGIIOSZ A12 G.IS +30 267
#note interesting position. I thought about this move for many minutes. I can play GOJI on this turn, but after he plays on column A I didn't see ZIGS threatening much of anything. on the other hand, my play sets up a big lane to hit with two blanks unseen. GOJI does give me a chance at ZYGOSE/AZYGOS/ZYGOID if I draw one of the blanks, but that still doesn't seem like enough to get me back.
>Noah_Berger: AE 15A .AE +3 327
>JD: ?EGINOZ B2 GO.I +31 298
#note he probably needed to score more last turn while blocking - now I might make it back. clearly his rack is pretty ugly if his last block was so weak, so good time for me to open.
>Noah_Berger: ?AEMNVZ A5 DUE +8 335
>JD: ?AEMNVZ A1 ZA +36 334
#note we were both very low on time, so I wanted to prolong the game with ZA instead of trying to play ADZE.
>Noah_Berger: ?AAAAHT J13 AHA +19 354
#note he took the points, but probably he had to recognize the possibility of AVERMENT and block with AAH at 12F. Even then, it's a tough win for him from there, especially under time pressure.
>JD: ?EMNRTV 11B aV.RMENT +74 408
>JD: (?AAST) +8 416