Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Susan_Blanchard Susan Blanchard
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Susan_Blanchard: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
>Joshua_Sokol: ?INORTT H7 ROTTINg +64 64
#note INTROIT doubles the I and takes an S, ROTTINg doesn't take the S-hook, rather a T hook. INTROIT looks better than TORTONI because it lets more 7s play immediately. I probably play INTROIT, even though the S hook is troublesome. It can be blocked.
>Susan_Blanchard: BEFR 11G F.BRE +20 20
>Joshua_Sokol: CCMRTVY K10 M.RCY +12 76
#note just play MYC for 24. Somehow missed the 3.
>Susan_Blanchard: AAIRT L6 TIARA +10 30
>Joshua_Sokol: ACDTUVW 8K V.CUA +30 106
>Susan_Blanchard: EIX 6I EXI. +27 57
>Joshua_Sokol: DDIITWZ M10 DITZ +34 140
#note I could do nothing about the volatile spot EXI(T) opened up. Just had to hope she didn't draw into a big 2x2.
>Susan_Blanchard: AG 5J AG +21 78
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIIJWY 14M YID +32 172
#note started to speed up here. Loved that this set my J up with many draws.
>Susan_Blanchard: AGLOO 10C GALOO. +14 92
>Joshua_Sokol: EFIJOSW O11 EJI.O +63 235
>Susan_Blanchard: AIPT 11B PITA +21 113
>Joshua_Sokol: AEFOOSW 4G WOOF +24 259
#note greedy, also considered M2 WOOFS, but I'm expecting her to be closer to a bingo than average and this slows her down a bit. Also saw 12C FEW but yeah, was greedy. WOOFS and FEW sim slightly higher than this.
>Susan_Blanchard: ADD 3G ADD +22 135
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEHISU 7B HAUlIE.S +66 325
#note missing 2A bEAUISH. Didn't see a bingo on this rack.
>Susan_Blanchard: LMPSU M2 PLUMS +30 165
>Joshua_Sokol: EEKNNOV 8A KEEN +37 362
>Susan_Blanchard: Q F6 Q. +31 196
>Joshua_Sokol: ABENORV 12A VANE +36 398
>Susan_Blanchard: OSW A12 .OWS +30 226
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEGHOR B14 EH +25 423
#note didn't see REBEG(UN). She's definitely more of a favorite to hit row 2, so I would have played that. I also missed the cool B11 (PA)REO. Didn't like playing this but whatever, maybe I get lucky next tun.
>Susan_Blanchard: LLN 4L N.LL +10 236
>Joshua_Sokol: BEGNNOR G1 GN..N +9 432
#note Gotta block SUETIER and EERIEST. I can actually just do that by playing G3 (AW)N. This did the trick but probably does worse than other options.
>Susan_Blanchard: EEIRSTU 1D SUR.E +21 257
#note -5 to RE(G)IUS, but a good endgame nonetheless
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEOR J14 BE +23 455
#note talking myself out of the best play, O1 ROB(L)E. -2
>Susan_Blanchard: EIT D1 .ITE +8 265
>Susan_Blanchard: (EOR) +6 271
Player 2
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