Player 1 |
#player1 Anita_Rackham Anita Rackham
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Anita_Rackham: LPY 8G PLY +16 16
#note Will I let Anita walk all over me again?
Good, one of the Y's is gone already. That means less of a chance I will miss a bingo with a Y in it and less of a chance she'll play JAYBIRD for 100 again.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEINRY I6 YA. +10 10
#note didn't want to create an S-hook, hence this YAY over I8, which is more aggressive. This was a weird position,, as I can't really score any points. 9F RAIA scores 19, that's significantly more than anything else. It also doesn't give much back at all. The only issue is that it keeps a Y, and if God forbid I draw into a bingo with the Y, I will certainly miss it. Also 9I AY for maximum aggression. This is fine. I prefer RAIA.
>Anita_Rackham: DEP H7 P.ED +11 27
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINOR G7 O.A +16 26
#note very happy she didn't create an S hook. No problem rollin' on this board.
>Anita_Rackham: EMR 10H .ERM +9 36
#note Anita was now miserable about the board she helped to create.
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEINOR K8 DO.INEER +72 98
#note punished for peeking an M out there in the open. How could she?
>Anita_Rackham: GGO 15J G.OG +7 43
>Joshua_Sokol: BHIIKQU F9 KHI +25 123
#note Easy Q setup. A more subtle but dangerous Q setup is possibly better. 13G KUBI(E)! hmm. Would that have worked? They sim very close!
>Anita_Rackham: ANSW 8K .AWNS +30 73
>Joshua_Sokol: ABIQRTU E11 QUBIT +54 177
#note Sometimes Josh has cojones. This is one of those times. I could easily have played 12H QUI(N)TAR, QUI(N)T or QUIN(T)A. Spread matters. #savethecreamcheese
>Anita_Rackham: CDOR 6D CORD +16 89
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEFNRU 15A REFU.E +30 207
#note missing FEA(T)URE for 3 more and better bingo defense.
>Anita_Rackham: AFT L11 FAT +23 112
>Joshua_Sokol: ACNOTXZ B10 ZONAT. +70 277
#note I played most of this game upside-down. I don't know why.
"Maybe it's because all of your moves were super easy, you dunce!"
Jeez, my imaginary friend is quite worked up over this one thing. Gotta slow down on the beer drinking tonight, I guess.
>Anita_Rackham: HOTU D3 TOU.H +20 132
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CIIOVX N6 VI.IC +24 301
#note The best offense is good defense once during a game.
There's only so long you can delay the amazing feeling you get when you use power tiles every few turns for 40-70 points and your opponent won't let you hear the end of it.
>Anita_Rackham: OV J13 VO. +19 151
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DEJNOX C11 DEX +45 346
#note Thought about keeping my E for nice score next turn, but there were many left, and this scored 7 more than OX.
>Anita_Rackham: ABT A11 BAT +26 177
>Joshua_Sokol: ?GJNOSW 9A JOW +33 379
#note not sure she ever saw the (TOUCH)E hook, but I decided to take it out here and now.
>Anita_Rackham: IN 6I .IN +8 185
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EEGLNS 3C S.EELiNG +70 449
>Anita_Rackham: AEEILLS D3 .....ES +27 212
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEILMR 2H MEALIeR +80 529
#note lol
>Anita_Rackham: AEINSTU A7 TA. +30 242
#note crazy that I avoided a bingo this whole game.
-21 to UNSEAT D1.
>Joshua_Sokol: AILR 1E LIRA +24 553
>Joshua_Sokol: (EINSU) +10 563