Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Eden_Choo Eden Choo
#player2 Ryan_Wee Ryan Wee
>Eden_Choo: EGP H7 PEG +12 12
>Ryan_Wee: CEIMNRW I7 EMIC +23 23
#note Insctinctively wanted to play WINCER which Q seems to regard highly (more so than EMIC). Curiously WEM for 8 points is near the top. Meh.
>Eden_Choo: ADHNOOR J10 HOA +29 41
>Ryan_Wee: ABENRWW K8 BRAWN +40 63
>Eden_Choo: ?AEIORT L4 OTARIEs +79 120
#note GOATIER scores one more and doesn't give away as much I think.
>Ryan_Wee: BCEFSTW M9 WEFTS +49 112
#note not so fast!
>Eden_Choo: AGRY M3 GRAY +25 145
>Ryan_Wee: BCORSTU K4 CUB +33 145
#note How did I miss ZA/PEA...
>Eden_Choo: AGV G6 VAG +20 165
#note Tight.
>Ryan_Wee: AIORSTZ N2 ZOA +33 178
#note Static evaluator puts N2 ZOA in top position but thought that was too risky. Decided to test his knowledge of fours...
>Eden_Choo: DEFILRT O4 LIFTED +41 206
#note Actual rack.
>Ryan_Wee: EILORST 13E LOITERS +77 255
>Ryan_Wee: EIOOOVX (challenge) +5 260
#note What luck! (BRAWNS was challenged.)
>Eden_Choo: DEEJKR 12A JERKED +57 263
#note dayum
>Ryan_Wee: EIOOOVX A12 .IVE +42 302
#note VITEX keeping OOO or JIVE keeping OOOX? Or VOO(DO)O. Tough.
>Eden_Choo: ENQU C9 QUE.N +48 311
#note Can't get a break!!
>Ryan_Wee: ADLOOOX O1 OO +17 319
#note Nope, has to be OO.
>Eden_Choo: ALM 11E MAL +24 335
>Ryan_Wee: ADLOOXY 14H OXY +51 370
#note had DOOLY all lined up. Didn;t know DOXY.
>Eden_Choo: EHIINNS 15F HIN +27 362
#note actual rack. HIN is fine but chances slim on this board. HINNIE would be better here, I find.
>Ryan_Wee: ADDLNOR N10 DA +27 397
#note Quackle recommends the nice 8D DOD(GEM) to open up the board. I had no fear--knew I would outrun! (False confidence that worked out fine...)
>Eden_Choo: AIN D7 ANI +15 377
>Ryan_Wee: DELNNOR E5 OLDEN +29 426
#note 4 in the bag. Perplexing endgame but good thing I had enuf time to think about it. After
>Eden_Choo: EIIPSST C1 TIPSIES +75 452
>Eden_Choo: EIIPSST -- -75 377
#note phew. no choice.
>Ryan_Wee: ?NRTUU C2 UNhURT +17 443
#note Didn;t know HOLDEN!
>Ryan_Wee: (TIPSIES) +18 461
Player 2
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