Player 1 |
#player1 Mark_Schmidt Mark Schmidt
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Mark_Schmidt: BGINNO 8G BONING +22 22
>Ryan_Fischer: BEIINOT 9A NIOBITE +66 66
>Mark_Schmidt: FOR 10B FRO +33 55
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEIJOU A6 JEO. +33 99
#note Overlooked JOI(N) for some inexplicable reason.
>Mark_Schmidt: EHOP 7H HOPE +24 79
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEIMRU 6C MURIAtE +68 167
#note Most defensive. Otherwise, it's (G)ERANIUM, which I don't like nearly as much.
>Mark_Schmidt: ?AEIKPS 11B SAPlIKE +90 169
#note Bogus. Ow. Shoulda challenged for 90. Don't know why I thought it was plausible.
>Ryan_Fischer: DEIITWY E4 WI.Y +20 187
#note Best.
>Mark_Schmidt: FILN H11 .LFIN +27 196
>Ryan_Fischer: CDEITTU 12H .UDIC +16 203
#note He blocked (E)DUCT, so I've got a tough choice. I don't see DICTU(M), TECTU(M), or TEDIU(M), so I play this, which is okay, not great.
>Mark_Schmidt: DORY C3 DOR.Y +30 226
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEQSTT B2 QAT +29 232
#note Better than QAID in my book, 'cause I'm so close to bingoing.
>Mark_Schmidt: AHRT K5 TH..AR +18 244
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEELST 14D LEAD.EST +63 295
#note Yep.
>Mark_Schmidt: IOUU -IOUU +0 244
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEEOVX L4 VOE +19 314
#note Saving the X purposefully, trying to lock things up even tighter.
>Mark_Schmidt: AST 12D SAT +25 269
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELOUX 15D AXE +25 339
#note Tough choice 'cause the Z is still out, so he could hit me with that. I can't use either hotspot, so I guess I've gotta cash it in and hope. (R)OUX is an option, too. Gives nothing much back really, so I don't know why I didn't take it. (X)ENIA isn't gonna win him this game.
>Mark_Schmidt: EGN M5 ENG +15 284
>Ryan_Fischer: CELORUU 15K OCULE +32 371
#note Purposeful phony, though a bit risky giving him a lane. It's really LOCULE or OCULI I was thinking of.
>Mark_Schmidt: ANW 14M NAW +23 307
>Ryan_Fischer: ILMRTUZ 10K .ITZ +33 404
#note This about does it, I think.
>Mark_Schmidt: ADGRS N2 GRADS +32 339
#note Nice scoring play.
>Ryan_Fischer: LMRU 2L MU. +6 410
#note Missed MUR(A) for 2 more.
>Mark_Schmidt: EV 13G E. +10 349
#note V-stuck himself, missing VE(AL)
>Ryan_Fischer: LR G8 ..R. +10 420
>Mark_Schmidt: V 3A V.. +7 356
>Mark_Schmidt: V -- -7 349
>Ryan_Fischer: L I5 L... +4 424
#note He didn't challenge the outplay, and I blanked briefly. Whoops!
>Ryan_Fischer: (V) +8 432