Player 1 |
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Pat Pat
>Mack: CDKOSTV H7 DOCK +22 22
#note Quackle says STOCK - I guess STV is too consonant heavy to warrant the sacrifice.
>Pat: ?CELNNU 11B NUNCLEs +77 77
>Mack: EIISSTV D8 VEI.S +24 46
#note I hated to do this, but there isn't much else.
>Pat: DGILNOR F7 DROL.ING +66 143
>Mack: ADEIRST I2 TIRADES +66 112
#note Should've taken E1 DISRATE. Overvalued the risk of the D in the triple lane, whereas what I should be more worried about at this score is a parallel at H1 closing everything down.
>Pat: AHY H1 YAH +34 177
>Mack: ?BDLTUV 5H V.ULT +16 128
>Pat: AEQT C10 Q.ATE +41 218
>Mack: ?BDORST M5 STROBeD +72 200
>Pat: EEIL 8A LIE.E. +27 245
>Mack: AEIMWYZ 8L Z.EA +69 269
>Pat: ABEN G1 BEAN +24 269
>Mack: FGIMPWY L10 WIMPY +37 306
>Pat: EX 10H .EX +30 299
>Mack: EFGIORU K11 FOU +34 340
>Pat: AW 7B AW +20 319
>Mack: EGIMORS 13H GRO..IE +22 362
#note Kind of a strange play, but Quackle likes it - setting up the case S, turning over tiles to end the game faster, and partially blocking the A.
>Pat: PU B13 UP +18 337
>Mack: AIMNORS A12 MOAN +35 397
#note Don't think I saw RAMSON/GROUPIES - that's probably better to block the A. Even after MOAN, though, I should be able to outrun anything through the A except from O1.
>Pat: AT F1 AT +18 355
>Mack: AFIOORS 14J FR. +37 434
#note This wins 100% as it outruns anything Pat could have through the A and also A3 GREENLIT - if she draws the J, she's stuck, and if I draw it I have L1 JOIST. O7 OAF, which I also considered, wins 100% as well, as GREENLIT loses for Pat whether or not she draws the J for the same reasons as above.
>Pat: EJT 15H JET +36 391
>Mack: AIIOORS O12 OSAR +26 460
#note O10 AIRS to save K4 OLIO is 5 better.
>Pat: EGHIN N12 H.N +21 412
>Mack: IIO 6C OI +8 468
#note 9J is 3 more
>Pat: EGI L3 GI.E +12 424
>Pat: (I) +2 426