Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason_Broersma Jason Broersma
#player2 Mina Mina
>Jason_Broersma: JTU 8G JUT +20 20
>Mina: KNOSUWY 7H YUK +19 19
#note Seventh best. All of Quackle's top six candidate plays involve back-hooking JUT -- and thus burning the S -- for points, with the top play being J6 WUS for 25, followed by J8 SUK for 28, followed by J4 YUKOS for 33. I guess these prevent (JUT)E.
>Jason_Broersma: LLMO K6 MOLL +17 37
>Mina: CCENOSW L3 ECCO +20 39
#note Seventh best. Quackle prefers 9J C(L)OW for 13 or C(L)OWN for 14 (the former seems cuter as it keeps the hook), followed by 10H COWS for 24.
>Jason_Broersma: ERX M1 REX +38 75
>Mina: AINNRSW 8K .AWNS +27 66
#note Fourteenth best. The crucial thing was I had no idea ECCO takes a front R- hook (nor a front S- hook for that matter); this knowledge underpins all of Quackle's favored plays, starting with 2K WR(E)N for 23 leaving AINS, followed by 2J WIR(E)S for 41 leaving ANN. And of course playing in that spot blocks a big triple from coming down on row 1.
>Jason_Broersma: FHORT N2 FORTH +58 133
>Mina: DEEILNR M8 .ILDER +22 88
#note Fourteenth best. Saw but chickened out on REDLINE(R), which I had even studied, for chrissake. Next most desirable are fishy moves like 2L R(EF) for 15 -- but again, that requires knowing RECCO -- and J5 LE(K) for 16. As I said, Quackle is teaching me that even experts are encouraged to fish like this; it's not a tactic restricted to 1200 players who mostly know baby bingos.
>Jason_Broersma: ABEHO 6E OBEAH +28 161
#note The same five tiles played for 41 points at L11, but he may have judged it as too dangerous to put an H in the triple lane.
>Mina: ?EGNNRV E4 GR.VE +18 106
#note Not among the top fifteen plays. Oof, missed 12G ENGRaV(E)N. Next best would have been E5 G(O)VERN and I can't explain why I didn't just play that and break up the duplicate N. I disagree strongly with 12I VENG(E)R being next best, because when I'm behind I need to keep all of those bingo lanes open.
>Jason_Broersma: ABEEIN 1G BEANIE. +30 191
>Jason_Broersma: ABEEIN -- -30 161
>Mina: ?DNNNRU 4B DUN. +12 118
#note Not among the top fifteen plays and clearly a poor choice. L12 NURD or RUND for 20 is favored.
>Jason_Broersma: ABEEIN D8 BEANIE +29 190
>Mina: ?ADNNOR 12G NONRAt.D +68 186
#note Ninth best. There was a double-double I didn't know, 11D (N)ONbRAND, which scored the most.
>Jason_Broersma: EOY 3B OYE +27 217
>Mina: AIIRTTZ 13A ZIT. +26 212
#note Ninth best and defensively foolish. Best is H11 R(O)ZIT for 42 keeping AIT.
>Jason_Broersma: EEM A12 M.EE +54 271
#note Aaaand why did I hang the Z there.
>Mina: AGIIRTU 1H GUITA. +24 236
#note Fourth best. Quackle's answers are weird here. I would've thought it'd be terrible to keep both an I and a U, especially when behind, and yet all three of its top choices (2B RAGI, 2A TRAGI, 2B GARI) leave both an I and a U on the rack!! Sure, they all score slightly more, but I don't see how I can agree with that. Not to mention that he'd totally play through the 1H triple square after one of those.
>Jason_Broersma: ASV 9F VAS +24 295
#note Grr, telegraphing an S.
>Mina: AFGIPRW 2B GAWP +42 278
>Mina: AFIIORT (challenge) +5 283
#note Best play. Weird that 2B PAGRI for 42 sims a very close second even though FW looks like a terrible leave compared to FIR.
>Jason_Broersma: DIPS 2G DIPS +20 315
#note Argh telegraphing another S.
>Mina: AFIIORT 11K FI.O +30 313
#note Best play.
>Jason_Broersma: ?EIILST 14D SILTIEr +67 382
#note Aaand it's over. (Highest-scoring bingo lane was 14H but only if you know that WILDER takes an -S, which I didn't.) This allows him to take the last two tiles out of the bag.
>Mina: AINOQRT 3F QIN +21 334
#note Did I misscore? My scoresheet says I played QIN for 20 but Quackle says there's no such move; there's a 3F QIN for 21. Whatever.
>Jason_Broersma: AE E10 EA +10 392
#note Yeah so GAWP and FIDO were nice but mistakes add up.
>Jason_Broersma: (AORT) +8 400
Player 2
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