Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evan Evan
#player2 Stewart Stewart
>Evan: DELMRUX 8H MUREX +44 44
#note Yup, nice start.
>Stewart: DEILOTY I7 O.TYIELD +65 65
#note A couple had wandered into our playing room and decided to hover around our board at this point of the game. The man was staring at Stewart's rack so I jokingly asked him to reveal the identity of the tiles. Stewart lays down the bingo and says: "Well, I've got an O, a T...". Incidentally, his play is the second-best bingo on this board. Find the top move (and for kicks, figure out the third possibility with his rack that wasn't available).
>Evan: ?ADILOR 12B ARIlLOD. +70 114
#note I spent over five minutes looking for a double-double through either the E or I. My play ranks second. Find the winner.
>Stewart: AEGIINT 14H I.EATING +74 139
#note I hate closed boards.
>Evan: CGINOQZ 13M QI +46 160
#note Surrrrrrrrrre.
>Stewart: BEFIT 15D BEFIT +45 184
>Evan: CGINOSZ K2 COGNIZ.S +90 250
#note What a boring game this is turning out to be.
>Stewart: EEHL 11D HEEL +25 209
>Evan: EIKUUWY 10B YUK +28 278
#note It's pretty much this or exchanging. Quackle agrees with my choice.
>Stewart: AEVW B6 WAVE. +22 231
>Evan: ?EISUUW -UUW +0 278
#note Quackle and I are like so in synch.
>Stewart: CEINORV 4D COVERIN. +80 311
#note Whoa, nelly. You can stop scoring now.
>Evan: ?ADEIRS 2G RADI.lES +74 352
#note A decent exchange leads to one of the highest-scoring bingos. The duck says SAD L4 (43) or IS L3 (36) is tops since it keeps the blank and covers 50% or greater of the bingo's worth. Who am I to argue?
>Stewart: DOPRSTU E2 DR.POUTS +72 383
#note Really, stop it.
>Evan: AAAFTUW 1H FA +33 385
#note I could shed an extra letter, but I'd be worse off. And I retain the W for VAW F4 (34).
>Stewart: JL F10 J..L +27 410
>Evan: AAAHTUW F4 .AW +34 419
#note I need to score to keep pace, so keeping the H for future scoring possibilities should work out better. And that's why I decided against WHA F6 (37).
>Stewart: EMS L1 E.MS +46 456
#note Barring a miracle draw, that's the game.
>Evan: AAEHNTU J4 .AH +29 448
#note Good thing I kept the H. But it's not looking promising.
>Stewart: AEGNORT 8A O.ER. +27 483
#note Stewart would have played E(S)TRAGON N1 (63) but he plays Collins and didn't know whether it was acceptable in ours. He went with a safe scoring play, but did empty the bag...
>Evan: AENNOTU L6 TA.ON +31 479
#note This is the most points, but doesn't lead to any outplay. Championship Player says (Z)ONA 7K (23) is the star since it sets up either TUNE/ZONAE O4 (19) or TUNE(D) 2A (12).
>Stewart: ABGNOPT M9 BOP +20 503
>Evan: ENU 11M .UN +5 484
#note Stupid me focused on his GNAT N7 (18) without realizing (S)TANG N2.
>Stewart: AGNT N10 T.N..G +14 517
#note I guess he either didn't see STANG or wasn't sure if it was good in TWL.
>Evan: E 10I .E +7 491
#note And so ends a rather fun game. I handed over the stack of four toonies and told him to never come back to our club. Damn foreigners.
>Evan: (A) +2 493
Player 2
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