Player 1 |
#player1 Steve_Glass Steve Glass
#player2 Pete Pete
>Steve_Glass: AIILO 8D AIOLI +12 12
>Pete: AEORSSY 9F YO +14 14
#note My second game lifetime against Steve. I bagged him in Rocky River in August. I picked the right fish here, for once.
>Steve_Glass: AIKT 7C IKAT +23 35
>Pete: ADENRSS I8 SANDERS +66 80
#note Missed ARIDNESS for one more, and far fewer playback opportunities.
>Steve_Glass: DHOO H12 HOOD +49 84
>Pete: ?AEEGTU J12 TAE +19 99
#note AGUE seemed too aggro here, even holding the ?. Missed a few marginallt better plays, but TAE scored best.
>Steve_Glass: ALOU 15D ALOU. +7 91
#note hmm...
>Pete: ?EEEGTU 14D TEG +19 118
#note GENU was best, but I was afraid of something J related on the hotspot his last play opened.
>Steve_Glass: AEVW 13A WAVE +23 114
>Pete: ?AEEEIU A12 A.EE +24 142
#note That W came just in time, saving me from a likely exchange.
>Steve_Glass: FRT B12 R.FT +28 142
>Pete: ?EEEIIU -EEIIU +0 142
#note oof. My exchange is best.
>Steve_Glass: AINOP 10B PIANO +24 166
>Pete: ?EGIMNV 12D MIG +24 166
#note I saw, but rejected, VIG/YOGA... i will soon wish I hadn't.
>Steve_Glass: ?CEINRT 10H I.CeNTER +67 233
>Pete: ?DEGNVW C9 V.G +11 177
#note I can't draw to save my life. KAVA d7 is marginally better, altho I wanted to dump the extra consonant.
>Steve_Glass: ABESUU O8 BU.EAUS +30 263
>Pete: ?DELMNW K6 MEWL.D +22 199
#note And this is the miss that cost me the game. MELTDOWN (didn't see) or WELDMENT (thought there was no way that it was good).
>Steve_Glass: LOT 6K .OLT +8 271
>Pete: ?BDENNO 6B NO +6 205
#note And another miss. ENNOBLED. (not to mention BANDONEON). my play is interesting, as it opens the triple line, and with me holding the blank and no O's left, it could allow for my miracle. It also is horribly wrong.
>Steve_Glass: CIRRSU O1 CIRRUS +34 305
>Pete: ?BDEHNQ 2N Q. +22 227
#note Shit.
>Steve_Glass: FX L5 F.X +22 327
>Pete: ?BDEHJN 13M JE. +20 247
#note Missed JEHU
>Steve_Glass: EEIPRYZ 5C PREZ +35 362
#note PRIZE sets up the out in two for a bunch.
>Pete: ?BDHINN A4 DHoBI +38 285
#note best.
>Steve_Glass: EIY 8K .YE +34 396
>Pete: NN N10 .N +4 289
>Steve_Glass: I N6 .I +2 398
>Steve_Glass: (N) +2 400