Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Thomas_Reinke: ATX 8G TAX +20 20
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEKLMV J7 BALK +31 31
>Thomas_Reinke: DGLNY H7 D.NGLY +15 35
#note Did he miss BALKY? I think he said he did the first time. The Y is a good tile.
>Joshua_Sokol: CEGIMRV I3 CERVI. +29 60
#note I already knew I was going to lose because I had to keep the G on my rack.
>Thomas_Reinke: DIORSTU 4C OUTRID.S +72 107
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EGIMNZ F3 G.IZ +34 94
#note Quackle gives great preference to (R)EZ citing better bingo chances, but I am not going to keep a G on my rack, especially if I have to play a bingo with a G through a Y on the board.
>Thomas_Reinke: AJT 3A TAJ +38 145
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEEMNU A1 MU.E +21 115
#note Wow. So I wrote down every single alphagram with AEENMTU?, and just couldn't come up with the only other word besides NUMERATE. A(T)hENEUM plays for 77 and propels me back into the game!
>Thomas_Reinke: EPY 11J YEP +30 175
#note he sees BALKY this time. Damn Y's, always crashing my party.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEGMNO 12A xENOGAM. +76 191
#note I was super happy with this find. I think this was my best word of the tournament, which is not much for some, but it means a lot for me to find this. GEOMANc(Y) is 4 more, though, and putting a G in the triple lane is better than putting a valueless X. The G is an absolutely abysmal tile. Unbelievable that I even had a single bingo with the G. That's 2 Gs too many. The fewer G's you draw, the more Gs you win at the end of the tournament, so it's really just a loss-loss situation.
>Thomas_Reinke: UV 10F VU. +15 190
>Joshua_Sokol: BEFIOOR A6 FIREBO. +33 224
#note and to top things off this play. I loved this play. So cool to play to a valueless X.
>Thomas_Reinke: ?CENOOS 1A .ONOClES +86 276
#note ouch
>Joshua_Sokol: ANOOPTU 13C UPON +25 249
#note Does Thomas know about the infamous POUPON* that Tunnicliffe tried to get away with? I should have tried it at L8. The Reinkes have trouble challenging my plays; see DIGISTAT*. Not sure what got into me about playing the N here instead of holding onto it. I should definitely just play UPO in this spot.
>Thomas_Reinke: AHW 12K HAW +31 307
>Joshua_Sokol: AELNORT 13L LO +19 268
#note I took soooo long here because I thought I was missing something. I should probably play 14A ORNATE for 33 just so that I win if I hit my bingo. Hmm. Maybe this is fine, but it will be close.
>Thomas_Reinke: EEHW 14J WHEE +30 337
>Joshua_Sokol: AEFINRT 5I .IF +14 282
#note Damn it, still nothing! I think I have to open something else up, because he's surely blocking the triple next turn.
>Thomas_Reinke: IQS N10 QIS +42 379
#note oh.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEENRT O11 TERNE +32 314
#note 14A ENTERA I guess? I don't think I should block the triple, he might not have an underlapping letter.
>Thomas_Reinke: AOR 15J OAR +22 401
#note damn
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEEINT L3 TAENIAE +73 387
>Thomas_Reinke: ADDIILT M7 DID +21 422
#note 14D ADD
>Joshua_Sokol: RS 15I R...S +12 399
>Joshua_Sokol: (ILTA) +8 407
Player 2
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