Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse_Matthews Jesse Matthews
#player2 JD JD
>Jesse_Matthews: AIV 8G VIA +12 12
>JD: AEHIMRY 7H MY +24 24
>Jesse_Matthews: AEIINST G8 .ANITIES +63 75
>Jesse_Matthews: DGNO 13B DONG +27 102
>JD: HIKNRRW 15G .HRINK +54 152
#note better than WHISK because the W should score well next turn
>Jesse_Matthews: Q J14 Q. +31 133
>JD: ?AIRUWZ 11I WIZ +37 189
#note what wuz I thinking
>Jesse_Matthews: FMOY 9E FO.MY +37 170
>JD: ?ADIORU 8A AUDIO +26 215
>Jesse_Matthews: CJO L12 JOC. +34 204
>JD: ?BEELNR C2 REBLEN.s +72 287
#note nice to play the bingo that doesn't open the triple.
>Jesse_Matthews: ALLOT 4C .ALLOT +18 222
>JD: AEERTUW 3G WAUR +23 310
#note doesn't show up on static, but drops jesse's bingo percentages next turn from 24% to 13% by leaving much clunkier lanes.
>Jesse_Matthews: CGO 14A COG +25 247
>JD: BEEEITT 10E TI.E +24 334
#note a waiting move
>Jesse_Matthews: EINVX 2A VE.NIX +64 311
>JD: ABEEFOT 1E BEEF +40 374
>Jesse_Matthews: ?AADRSU 2I mARAUDS +73 384
>JD: AELOPRT M12 OP +25 399
#note the downside of this play is that Jesse can fish 1 for an out-bingo, but I felt that I had to turn this into a decent lane - otherwise he can just play on row 4 next turn and leave me with column A only.
>Jesse_Matthews: EGNOSTU N7 TONGUES +77 461
#note he has to go for it, it seems. I think he blocked the right lane and quackle agrees
#note unfortunately for him, I drew in both spots.
>JD: (DT) +6 484
Player 2
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