Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
#player2 Greg_Heidler Greg Heidler
>Jim_Burlant: ALNOPST 8C SPOLANT +74 74
>Jim_Burlant: ALNOPST -- -74 0
#note I saw the short plays and for reasons I can't put my finger on, POL or LOP 8G felt like they were wanting. I looked for longer plays, saw SPOLANT*, and was pretty sure I'd seen it played before, so I put it down. As we walked to the challenge machine, I realized where I had seen it. At the 2010 Oregon Tile, Winter was playing at an adjacent board. He played this as a deliberate phony that he challenged off when his 1100-rated opponent hooked it with an S. Whoops. It's safe to say that in this case, the sim result should be taken with a grain - if not the entire shaker - of salt: phonying with SPOLANT* and having it challenged off sims best, winning 2% more often than the next best play (8D PANTO) with 78(!!) points higher valuation than PANTO. That said, against a human LOP or POL are obviously better than this silliness.
>Greg_Heidler: GPY 8G GYP +18 18
>Jim_Burlant: ALNOPST J7 LOP +15 15
#note I intended to put down POL, changed it to LOP at the last second for no good reason, and didn't think it through. Better would apparently be LO or PLT per the duck, but this worked, even if I gave him 31 points I shouldn't have otherwise:
>Greg_Heidler: FNU 6J FUN +31 49
>Jim_Burlant: AEINSTZ 10D ZEATINS +82 97
#note And the luck-bagging begins. The M1 placement scores 91 to this play's 82, but after what happened with Orry, M1 would have to score 191 points before I'd put the Z at M1. YMMV.
>Greg_Heidler: AELO D9 A.OLE +28 77
>Jim_Burlant: ?CEIMOU L5 E.COMIUm +74 171
#note Best bingo is zOECIUM C3 for 85 (this only scores 74). This is best of the rest. 83% to win.
>Greg_Heidler: CHNW 13C W.NCH +34 111
>Jim_Burlant: ?ABDEIJ E7 JIB.D +40 211
#note Ok, this is getting ridiculous...
>Greg_Heidler: EOTV F4 VETO +18 129
>Jim_Burlant: ?AEKORT C3 TROAKEd +84 295
#note Bingoes all over the place, but this is best.
>Greg_Heidler: HORU M11 HOUR +20 149
>Jim_Burlant: EILMRUX 15L MILE +35 330
#note Not worried about rack building; only worried about shutting bingo lines down at this point. Statically, Q prefers 8L OXIM. The sim is another story - this is best. Not officially over yet (99.9% to win) but the fat lady is warming up her vocal cords...
>Greg_Heidler: AEIR 4B A.RI.E +18 167
>Jim_Burlant: AGRTUVX H1 GUAR +29 359
#note Right idea, wrong execution. TRUG H3 defends H1 just as well without opening up rows 1 and 2 for bingoes.
>Greg_Heidler: EFI 14A FIE +17 184
>Jim_Burlant: ARSTTVX A12 RA.T +24 383
#note Right idea, wrong execution. ATT 15A does this play two better: not only does it shut down the A column, but it also kills row 15 and ouscores this by 8 points.
>Greg_Heidler: EGINRSS 3H .SSIGNER +70 254
>Jim_Burlant: DLSTTVX N2 V.LDT +22 405
>Greg_Heidler: AW 8A WA. +18 272
>Jim_Burlant: EEQSTXY 6B Q.T +32 437
>Greg_Heidler: ADIIO O6 OIDIA +20 292
>Jim_Burlant: DEENSXY K11 DEXY +46 483
>Greg_Heidler: ABO J13 ABO +33 325
>Jim_Burlant: ENS 15C ENS +10 493
>Jim_Burlant: (EN) +4 497
#note Turns were scored correctly, but my inability to read my own handwriting resulted in a scoring error when all was said and done. Final score recorded as 477 - 326.
Player 2
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