Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse Jesse Day
#player2 Brian Brian Bowman
#title 2011 NSC Round 29
#description Jesse Day plays Brian Bowman in Round 29 at the 2011 NSC
>Jesse: BEEGLTT 8D BEGET +22 22
#note this is probably my favorite game I have ever played in.
>Brian: AANORRW D8 .ARROW +22 22
>Jesse: GHLMOOT C12 HOG +29 51
#note trying to avoid giving him a big counterplay.
>Brian: ?AANPVW B13 VAW +33 55
#note ah, so he had a blank too. and he was setting himself up. how crafty.
>Jesse: ?EFLMOT H1 LEFTMOs. +89 140
#note saw filemot first, then this.
>Brian: ?AMNOPY A12 MAYO +68 123
#note oh my goodness apparently I got off lightly here (tympano)
>Jesse: AEENNSU 5H .ENU +12 152
#note more open than neum. quackle would rather I play ENSUE at E11. that takes some balls.
>Brian: ?ENPPTZ 10C P.EZ +35 158
#note if I'd played ENSUE I think he would've played PEPTiZE.
>Jesse: AEEINOS F10 .OEA +13 165
#note I was pretty fishy in both my games against brian, for whatever reason. here I think it's definitely the right move.
>Brian: ?DNPSTT 2G P.NT +8 166
#note he has the blank so I guess he's happy blocking lanes since the's more flexible. I like PST at 14E, but I don't know if I would've seen it over the board.
>Jesse: EEFIINS 3F FI.E +20 185
>Brian: ?DENOST K5 .NpOSTED +66 232
#note interesting that he rejected playing on row 14. I suppose there are pretty big comeback plays for me if he does play there quackle suggests DUOTONES at 6F which is kind of cool.
>Jesse: BEIILNS 12H BIN.I +22 207
#note I was all set to write this off as a mistake, but BINDI sims pretty close to OBELI (down a point at most). I think there's a lot of reasons to prefer BINDI at this juncture. There are already very few Es left and many, many Is left to come. OBELI makes it easier for him to block off a whole section of the board (he just has to play through OBELI) whereas it will be quite hard for him to block after BINDI (a play through the O on row 8 just opens more lanes).
>Brian: CEEGSUV M7 CUVEES +27 259
#note the blocker strikes again! this is an excellent play.
>Jesse: AELLNOS 4C LONE +13 220
#note I had a really hard time finding a play I felt comfortable with here. I would really rather not give up my last E. that said, I felt pretty categorically that I couldn't afford to block my lane on row 14 at all costs. hence my play. BOLA is a pretty good option since he may have to sacrifice some points to block. however quackle comes up with a much cooler way of accomplishing my goals...PENTANOL at 2G! PENTANOL is gorgeous. It keeps my Es and establishes another threat for him to worry about. I'll take my play over everything else on row 14, and maybe over BOLA, but PENTANOL is the star play (it also scores 7 extra).
>Brian: GHIIRRT 6C RIGHT. +18 277
>Jesse: ADEJLOS L1 JADES +49 269
#note if he doesn't play from the J I have a fighting chance
>Brian: AAIIKRR H12 .IRK +30 307
>Jesse: AIILOTY 1L .IAO +33 302
>Brian: AAILNRU 14F LI.A +22 329
#note smart way of blocking the best lane on the board, but he's not up by that much. he's now 50-50 to win the game.
>Jesse: ILQRSTY N1 .IRY +14 316
#note so, what the hell was I thinking here, you ask? I had about 5 minutes left to try to come up with some way of stealing the game, and the best way I could come up with to do this was to hit LOQUAT through 8J. Originally when I was planning all this and it was still brian's turn there were 3 As out. Now there were two. I thought about just playing DRY, but I figured I would take the chance to play off an extra tile and give myself an extra chance at the A.

the problem when I play AIRY is that I am often times giving him his best play on column O which means I give him a great way to block. this is bad. DRY makes it much less obvious what I'm up to (leaving two in the bag should make it much less clear).

After the game talking to people they suggested TREY. I think TREY looks great. It sets up my S for a big Q play. I kinda don't like it because it gives him more incentive to block on row 8, so he might inadvertently block LOQUAT. but I think TREY is still way better than AIRY.

finally another play that quackle came up with...ARTILY at N14. I'm not sure if it'll work out as well as it does on the sim. he gets to play an endgame where I have 6 tiles. I potentially have some big q plays if I draw right, but I don't think it's actually the right play by any stretch of the imagination.

in summmary...trey is the play. at least I came up with some kind of plan for how to win the game.
>Brian: ACDINRU O4 ANURIC +33 362
#note great play, blocking loquat, except...
>Jesse: ALQSTUX N9 AX +58 374
#note I was pretty convinced I had lost. I had about 2 minutes left and brian had 30 seconds. I hadn't even tracked or figured out that DD didn't go down but the second I saw what he'd given me I knew I had to throw it down ASAP. I don't even think I had seen SUQ yet.
>Brian: DD 11F .D +3 365
#note unbelievable. I thought he could've won by putting the D at J8 but I have QUA at 9B anyway.
>Jesse: LQSTU I8 SUQ +22 396
#note leftmost takes an S. that's fine. I'll take the win thank you.
>Brian: D G8 .D +5 370
>Brian: (LT) +4 374
#note wow.
Player 2
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