Player 1 |
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 chris_cree chris cree
>cesar: AFGILTZ 8H GLITZ +50 50
#note i totally suck. ZAFTIG is way better. -13
>chris_cree: ILL K8 .ILL +8 8
>cesar: ADEFGOT H5 FAG.OTED +66 116
#note i could not remember if it was GATEFOLD or FOLDGATE (although i would have tried GATEFOLD if he blocked) so i played it safe. dumb words. -8
>chris_cree: ADUY M8 YAUD +28 36
>cesar: ACDRSUX 5H .AUX +28 144
#note i continue to suck at finding JQXZ 6s, as i miss 11D CAUDEX, which is significantly better. -9
>chris_cree: ?DEEIIN 10B DEfINI.E +64 100
>cesar: ACDELRS 6B CALDER.S +71 215
#note i liked CALDERAS a little better than DECRIALS even though it scored 1 fewer point. it seems to be a bit more defensive, blocking several lanes.
>chris_cree: ?EIORSW 12D WEIR.OeS +77 177
>cesar: EEEHIOT N9 EH +28 243
#note next time someone tells you "play cesar closed" show them this move. it appears that someone or someones have been spreading rumours around nationals that you should "play closed boards against cesar". by all means, go right ahead. quackle prefers THEE, HOE, etc here obviously. -5.5
>chris_cree: GNORSTW F1 WRONG.ST +64 241
#note oh for crying out loud
>cesar: EEIIOST 1D TO.IE +27 270
>chris_cree: IJK 4D JI.K +30 271
>cesar: EEINOSV 4K OVEN +23 293
#note no quackle, i'm not playing 13B VOE. -2 (i feel a fiduciary duty to report the quackle equity losses since i got so used to it, but i'm going to stop doing this at some point soon).
>chris_cree: PUY 3M YUP +28 299
>cesar: AEEHIRS 2J HARES +44 337
>chris_cree: BMOO 13B BOOM +25 324
>cesar: EFINRTU 14A RIFT +33 370
#note again not choosing the equity play of 14B INTER here (or worse yet, 14C ENUF), lest my opponent bingo and i lose the game.
>chris_cree: IQ 3I QI +26 350
#note that was a worry with the T on row 8, so glad to see the Q go.
>cesar: ENNRTUV 15A EN +17 387
#note i did want to play UNRENT here but i wasn't 100% sure of it, only 99.999%. it is a mistake because i'm almost certainly going to win after it, but i was a little worried because i'd give him an endgame to plan out... instead i'm keeping some clunky tiles and giving him another chance to make a desperate opening. -8
>chris_cree: ABEMNOP 9C PE +15 365
>cesar: ANORTUV 8A AVO +23 410
>chris_cree: AAABEMN 1J ABA +19 384
>cesar: CNRTU L6 CU. +14 424
>chris_cree: AEMN 2A NEMA +14 398
>chris_cree: (NRT) +6 404