Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Christian_Oktavius Christian Oktavius
#player2 Julius_Wilson Julius Wilson
>Christian_Oktavius: ADEELNO 8G LOANED +18 18
#note exc O best. ONLY if you as good as Rastra in 8 letter words ans anagrmming skill
>Julius_Wilson: OTTUY 9F TOUTY +23 23
#note Not a word!!!
>Christian_Oktavius: DEEMOPS 10J MOPED +34 52
>Julius_Wilson: AADEGNT 10A AGNATED +73 96
#note Again, not a word, maybe this is why Julius got cursed after this. LOL
>Christian_Oktavius: ABELSWW A7 WAW. +30 82
#note O8 BESAW. Playing this because I was quite sure JUlius didn't know or realize MOPED has -S back hook
>Julius_Wilson: CEIY N10 .ICEY +22 118
>Christian_Oktavius: BDELSSZ D8 BL.ZED +42 124
>Julius_Wilson: FGIO C12 FIGO +27 145
>Christian_Oktavius: ?EFORSS 15A RO.FlESS +176 300
>Christian_Oktavius: BEELLOT (challenge) +5 305
#note BEST, no doubt
>Julius_Wilson: IN 11D .IN +31 176
>Christian_Oktavius: BEELLOT B2 LOBELET +79 384
>Christian_Oktavius: ?EINQRT (challenge) +5 389
>Julius_Wilson: AGINRSU 12F AIRGUNS +72 248
>Julius_Wilson: AGINRSU -- -72 176
#note Julius didn't realize MOPEDS
>Christian_Oktavius: ?EINQRT C1 QIN +30 419
#note Surprisingly enough, no playable bingo. BEST, but maybe in this situtation after knowing Julius holding AIRGUNS, QAT 7I may be best
>Julius_Wilson: AGINRSU 1C .UINAS +48 224
>Christian_Oktavius: ?EEIRTX 11K XI +40 459
#note 12G EXOTERIC
>Julius_Wilson: CIJRU 13J JUIC.R +30 254
>Christian_Oktavius: ?AEENRT O5 NEAREsT +80 539
>Julius_Wilson: EOP N5 OPE +25 279
>Christian_Oktavius: AAHORSV O13 .AV +23 562
>Julius_Wilson: AGK M5 GAK +34 313
>Christian_Oktavius: AHHMORS C5 HOM +29 591
>Julius_Wilson: EIIRRTU E5 IURE +12 325
>Christian_Oktavius: AHRSV 14I RAHS +27 618
>Julius_Wilson: IRT K5 TIR. +8 333
>Julius_Wilson: (V) +8 341
Player 2
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