Player 1 |
#player1 Mary_Goulet Mary Goulet
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Mary_Goulet: GIOY 8G YOGI +16 16
>Joshua_Sokol: CDEEIOT I8 .EODETIC +64 64
#note Game 2 and another bingo to open!!
>Mary_Goulet: EO 15H E.O +15 31
>Joshua_Sokol: IIMOUVY 11H O.IUM +16 80
#note Expecting she is close to a bingo with a few too many vowels. I didn't want to give anything new back, so I chose this over OI(D)IUM to set up IVY L12. I'm not playing J10 YOM. Ever.
>Mary_Goulet: ISW 14I .WIS +28 59
#note Well maybe one day I will play YOM at J10. Just not in this game in this position
>Joshua_Sokol: AEILRVY 7B VIRELAY +76 156
#note You think IIUV would have turned into a bingo like IVY did? Incredible luck here
>Mary_Goulet: GN 10H N.G +17 76
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEHNPR 15L HERB +48 204
#note Oops! I thought for sure this would be the right move but 12H B(E)EPER is 50 and keeps the H! I remember hesitating a bit to play HERB and looking on row 12 but I just missed BEEPER, probably because I was trying to keep an E. -6
>Mary_Goulet: AAAAA -AAAAA +0 76
>Joshua_Sokol: EEINNPU N10 PUNIE. +28 232
>Mary_Goulet: ?EEGJSS O8 JEES +39 115
#note Actual rack. This is a good play that Mary made. She's got to take the points and get rid of the scoring spot I've created
>Joshua_Sokol: EHILNPT E5 TH.ELIN +40 272
#note I put some thought into 12H H(E)P as well, but no need to fish here, I should just get as far away from a possible loss as I can get, so scoring 40 and throwing a lot of tiles on the board is the way to go.
>Mary_Goulet: ?AFGORS K2 FORAGeS +79 194
#note 2nd only to L4 GASiFOR(M)
>Joshua_Sokol: AACDLNP 13K PAN.C +28 300
#note I like playing 4F PLACA(R)D here. Didn't see that word. No need to panic. ha.
>Mary_Goulet: AQT D10 QAT +37 231
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEILTX L1 TAXED +49 349
#note silly
>Mary_Goulet: DEO M2 DOE +38 269
>Joshua_Sokol: AAFILNZ C11 FIZ +38 387
#note N4 FIZ is 42, but this blocks the V and the difficult-to-hit 13A bingo lane. I chose to block for 4 fewer
>Mary_Goulet: NORW 12F ROW.N +26 295
#note I held this briefly. Mary knows her stuff!
>Joshua_Sokol: AAALNOU D4 LAU.A +22 409
#note oops wrong person
>Mary_Goulet: ALV C3 LAV +20 315
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AIKNOT 2K ...O +16 425
#note I completely missed her next play, and only saw F10 SE(R)UM as her best option in the tile pool, so my goal was to force her hand with SE(R)UM and hit a 6-letter play from 15A hooking her play. Only issue was if I drew a D. I didn't see a 6 I could hit with the K if I drew the D out of the bag. This also left maximum confusion since there was one tile left in the bag after this. I think I should play M6 TAIKO and just go out next turn. Quackle finds B2 KA to set up my O, but that would have suffered the same fate as FADO did.
>Mary_Goulet: EMRSTU O1 ESTRUM +36 351
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADIKNT F2 KIDs +24 449
>Mary_Goulet: BR 12A BR.. +9 360
>Mary_Goulet: (TAN) +6 366