Player 1 |
#player1 Mack_Meller Mack Meller
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Mack_Meller: ?CDIOST H4 COeDITS +74 74
>Joshua_Sokol: CDELSST 5G C.LD +7 7
#note Because of A(COLD) and because this just doesn't score much, I should just play C(O)LDS here. I overthought the position and desperation kicked in too early.
>Mack_Meller: ABEENOY J2 BEA.Y +25 99
#note I disagree with Mack's choice here. I think he should have done a a better blocking job, since he knows I have an S. 6J EBONY is interesting, but I think F5 ABYE or AYE make the most sense, blocking COLDS unconditionally.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEFSST 8C SAFET.ES +62 69
>Mack_Meller: ENOZ 7D ZONE. +37 136
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEIKLO F2 KOLA +26 95
>Mack_Meller: AEINNOW 10B WANION. +20 156
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEIMTX G1 MIX +43 138
#note as long as he didn't have OF or EF or IF, this is the best play.
>Mack_Meller: AEFGHRR H1 EF +37 193
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEGGHT 11A BEGAT +30 168
#note Missing 11C BATHE, which despite leaving GG (awful awful awful), is probably the best play, as it doesn't give back points on the triple word. BEGAT only comes close because it sets up (S)H(AG)__ type plays
>Mack_Meller: AGHRR 4J .ARRGH +28 221
>Joshua_Sokol: AGHNPRY O4 .YPHA +48 216
#note or A11 (B)HANG if I think he's hitting me there. I think I still probably need a bingo here at some point, and HYPHA seems to get me there faster.
>Mack_Meller: AENO 12A AEON +31 252
>Joshua_Sokol: ?GNPRUU N7 UNGRoUP +68 284
#note I missed UN(SAFETIES)! That sims better!
>Mack_Meller: EOQRT 12J TORQ.E +32 284
#note I thought he might have the Q after AEON. That makes UNSAFETIES even better as it doesn't give him a spot to unload.
>Joshua_Sokol: DEILNUV 13E UNLIVED +71 355
#note I was on the edge of my seat at this point, waiting for Mack to hit the clock
>Mack_Meller: AIU M12 .UAI +34 318
>Joshua_Sokol: DIMORTW 15I DIMW.T +16 371
#note This play was super-fancy! I am very worried about J(I)VE for 66, so I tried to find something that blocked both spots. I am also worried about a bingo coming down, but perhaps I can outrun bingos with another play like 4A WORMI(L). Perhaps WORMI(L) also outruns JIVE, but I think a shorter play would do a better job. I also want to use at least one triple so that he can't play something else and go for an unblockable J(I)VE. I think this is the best play. I don't think Mack can really outrun me after this, even if he has _S for 45. Am I wrong? This might run into trouble if Mack has the S and plays off tiles elsewhere, I guess!
>Mack_Meller: EEILV 2J .ELIVE +22 340
>Joshua_Sokol: IJORRST 9L JI. +12 383
#note I thought BELIVE blocked J(E)T... -9 since that scores 21 instead of 12!
>Mack_Meller: EIO 14F OI +10 350
>Joshua_Sokol: ORRST O14 OS +45 428
>Mack_Meller: E N2 .E. +7 357
>Mack_Meller: (RRT) +6 363