Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Ross_Brown Ross Brown
>Joshua_Sokol: ABDOSTW H7 BAWD +20 20
>Ross_Brown: GIV I6 VIG +16 16
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ORRSST 11H SORTeRS +73 93
#note SaRTORS
>Ross_Brown: AEKO 10D OAKE. +20 36
>Joshua_Sokol: FIILOTU M8 FLO.UIT +22 115
>Ross_Brown: DEX 11C DEX +42 78
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEILNN L2 ALANINE +72 187
>Ross_Brown: AQT N6 QAT +38 116
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIILU 3G AIGUI.LE +74 261
>Ross_Brown: ?ADILRU 4A DIURnAL +70 186
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEEOST A1 COE. +21 282
#note not super happy with this but the board wasn't closing any faster
>Ross_Brown: EHNT K1 TH.NE +27 213
>Joshua_Sokol: EEMPSTW 1H WEP. +27 309
#note missed 15H TWEEPS which is certainly safer
>Ross_Brown: BETU 14J BUT.E +26 239
>Joshua_Sokol: EMORRST O12 MORT +35 344
#note TREMORS/TERMORS was blocked
>Ross_Brown: AACIMNO 15H CION +24 263
#note I have it on good authority that this was his rack. He said he was upset MACA(R)ONI didn't fit at D1, but MANIOCA was there for 96! This seems to be the part of the game where Ross chokes. It happens just about every game we play. His reasoning was that this kept the A(BO) hook alive and blocked the triple.
>Joshua_Sokol: EEFNRSS 12D SERF +30 374
#note And in turn, I chicken out of playing RIFENESS. I wonder if he had played MANIOCA and I played RIFENESS and then he bingo-ed again if I would still have won the game. I knew that this wasn't much of a sacrifice over the bingo, since he might have huge Z plays or a bingo of his own afterwards. Quackle actually thinks this is a winninger* play than R(I)FENESS! Dumb luck, I would have played the bingo if I was sure of it.
>Ross_Brown: AMO 3C MOA +21 284
>Joshua_Sokol: EJNOPRS N1 JE.P +26 400
#note If I instead play JE(E)R, an I draw scores me 6 more points, and the P scores well with other tiles in the pool. Interesting! Both accomplish the threat of O1 ONS for 46, and a backup plan of _INS O5 for just as many. Unfortunately you add A(J)I in the mix and my plan isn't foolproof.
>Ross_Brown: HY 8K H...Y +42 326
#note oh, and that
>Joshua_Sokol: DINORSZ O1 ODS +52 452
#note Quackle's calculations seem off here. It wants me to play E3 (An)D for 6. That doesn't do as well as this, it would seem, from looking at a few endgames.
>Ross_Brown: AEEINVY O5 VIN. +23 349
#note 9B YIN to set up EAVE/AYIN. This is 16 points off
>Joshua_Sokol: GINRZ E2 R..G +8 460
>Ross_Brown: AEEY 6E EYE +19 368
>Joshua_Sokol: INZ 9B ZIN +17 477
>Joshua_Sokol: (A) +2 479