Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chuck_Abbate Chuck Abbate
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Chuck_Abbate: DEMNORY 8G MY +14 14
#note Chuck said this was his leave. DORYMEN plays for 82!
>Joshua_Sokol: IOOPQST 9F QI +17 17
>Chuck_Abbate: DEHINOR 10E HID +28 42
#note this time nowhere for HORDEIN!
>Joshua_Sokol: LOOPSST 11D POS +32 49
#note wanted to keep a good leave but I should just play POLOS here. Weird mistake
>Chuck_Abbate: ENOX 12B OXEN +36 78
>Joshua_Sokol: ILOSTTZ 13C IT +27 76
#note Almost added the S here. It's close, but ultimately decided in the off chance Chuck doesn't play on column B I could hit ZOONS sometimes
>Chuck_Abbate: EIJV H4 JIVE. +26 104
>Joshua_Sokol: BDLOSTZ B10 BO.TS +29 105
#note somehow missing B(O)ZO? What a bad play this was. BLOTS is also better. Ugh
>Chuck_Abbate: DENRW 5G W.NDER +20 124
>Joshua_Sokol: DEELNRZ 4K REZ +30 135
>Chuck_Abbate: AADLRU A5 RADULA +25 149
>Joshua_Sokol: DEGLNSU C4 GULDENS +67 202
>Chuck_Abbate: BI M2 BI. +28 177
>Joshua_Sokol: EFGNOST N2 OF +23 225
>Chuck_Abbate: IIII -IIII +0 177
>Joshua_Sokol: EGNOSTT D3 GOT +16 241
>Chuck_Abbate: AA O1 AA +11 188
>Joshua_Sokol: CEIINST K4 ..INCITES +72 313
#note or the anagram, C(RE)TINISE+. Forgot about that add-on
>Chuck_Abbate: AALO 8K .OALA +24 212
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEHIRU 12K .IEUR +12 325
#note this was too fancy, I gathered shortly after. HIE 9M accomplished the same defense while scoring more
>Chuck_Abbate: ?EINORT I8 cOINTER +65 277
#note and he still bingo-ed. I should have played E2 HIREE, would have blocked E1 pROTEIN, his best bingo.
>Joshua_Sokol: EEGV 14G VE.GE +13 338
#note missing M7 H(A)VER(E)L, which outruns everything mostly. I also chickened out of CHEV(R)E, a French word
>Chuck_Abbate: FKOY N6 FO.KY +31 308
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEHLNR E4 REACH +30 368
#note no bingos play, but I couldn't be 100% sure I guess
>Chuck_Abbate: ?AMPTUW O11 T.UMP +27 335
#note 15K sWAMP
>Joshua_Sokol: AELN M10 AN.LE +15 383
>Joshua_Sokol: (AW?) +10 393
Player 2
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